[BUG/Announcer] Announce does not use bindip

Started by Thijn, Aug 25, 2016, 05:53 AM

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When you run your server on a secondary IP using the bindip command line option, the announce plugin does not bind on that same IP and will happily announce your server on the first IP of your box.


What you were doing when the bug happened
Starting the server

What you think caused the bugWhat needs changing
First of all the plugin SDK needs adjusting since you can't get the IP it's listening on. Then the announce plugin needs to use that information and bind on that interface.

Workaround, place the following on a cronjob or something:
curl --interface YOURIP -A "VCMP/0.4" -H "VCMP-Version: 04rel004" --data "port=YOURPORT" http://master.vc-mp.org/announce.php


I remember @Murdock encountered this same issue on his VPS when trying to use multiple IPs.