
Started by Mariu22S, May 13, 2015, 08:57 AM

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1. It proposes that player's nickname was reduced and even to be similar to that of 0.3,present obscures the view and is too big.

2. Proposed create a forum section on proposals, they spoke to the players what they wanted to change in the 0.4 to become better.


Yeah, smaller less bolder fonts for chatbox and tags, would be great. They're just too clunky rn.

Try lowering with the "tag_zoffset" in the vcmp config.  Maybe the tags can be put below the feet instead.


Try this, I tested it out. 8)

Quotetag_scale 1.000000
tag_quality 1
tag_maxdist 100.000000
tag_zoffset -1.300
bar_bgenabled 0

tag_zoffset was edited, so is bar_bgenabled. removed the uneeded frame around the health/armour bars

@stormeus , can you add the option to make names not fade ever? when they nicks are so low they fade at random times it ifs offputting , i guess it would be considered wallhack lel but idk im sure there's a work around to it. like server/player controlled.


Let me add also that life bar is too thick.

Something like this would be good it is nice and clear


Everything is good, and people are able to config almost everything, so there is no need to change the default settings for now, I think.
The bad thing is that the tagnames are way too big when driving a vehicle. (just like in the pic)


What if you move the tag names to the side when driving and not on top ?


The issue is with nametag scaling.
It looks great at a distance, but becomes too big in close range.

Perhaps if it is possible to over-ride the scaling at less than 50 meters and keep everything rest at default, that would be great.


Feel free to try my config file, it's supposed to replicate 0.3z.

rectangular bars, no bubble/backdrop, no disappearing text and simple black background scoreboard. It was designed for 1920x1080 resolution so for resolutions lower you may have to change the font size. Console key is F1 or F2, I forget which.

game_antialias 0
game_menuonrestore 0
game_windowed 0
game_allowedmods resizer.asi
game_framereserve 5
game_showdebug 0
game_mouse_xsens 0.000000
game_mouse_ysens 0.000000
game_streammem 512
game_passengerkey 86
game_reconattempts 3
splash_loadbarbgcol FF9B327D
splash_loadbarfgcol FFFF96E1
con_fontname Arial
con_fontgap 0
con_fontscale 0.97
con_numoflines 10
con_disappear 0
con_logging 3
con_fillcolour BB666666
con_openkey 112
con_typeloc 0
scb_scale 0.55
scb_edgescale 0.400000
scb_edgecolour 46000000
scb_fillcolour 46000000
scb_captioncolour FFFFFFFF
scb_scorepingidcol FF808080
scb_underlinecolour 0
scb_highlightcolour 0
scb_serverinfocolour ffffffff
scb_countcolour FFFFFFFF
scb_versioncolour 32FFFFFF
scb_scrollbgcolour AA000000
scb_scrollbarcolour AABBBBBB
scb_openkey 116
scb_netstatskey 117
scb_scrollupkey 33
scb_scrolldownkey 34
tag_scale 0.900000
tag_quality 1
tag_maxdist 100.000000
tag_zoffset 1.400000
bar_bgenabled 0
bar_bgcolour 00606060
bar_armourcol 00AAAAAA
bar_armourxcol 004499FF
bar_healthcolmin 00FF0000
bar_healthcolmax 0000AA00
bar_healthxcol 004499FF
scr_capturekey 119
scr_compression 5
cfg_version 2

The detection is a bit weird though. Sometimes nametags aren't visible when players are riding on motorbikes and nametags clearly show up when players are behind large bushes etc. Sometimes they disappear for a second when a player is knocked over onto the ground aswell but not sure if that still happens.