funcion /register help me

Started by kennedyarz, Mar 19, 2016, 01:11 AM

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If registered and logged spawn that player

Also what happens if it happens more than once? as in what if it keeps spawning the player on lag and causes server to act funky? just curious. I only added that as a check so it wont double/triple spawn

maybe you are correct and what i said is correct in your logic as if you just make the call once that is all that is needed?


eso no sirve, ademas yo le estoy pidiendo una función la cual mantenga Frezado un jugador que acaba de ingresar, para que los comandos se le bloqueen y este no pueda aparecer hasta que no coloque contraseña correcta , esto es para que otros jugadores no puedan ingresar en cuentas de otros..


lol , su hombre obvio, hay función SHA256 para cifrar la contraseña del jugador .


Btw the method i posted is wrong! needs to return the spawn screen to zero and if logged in or just registered player.Spawn(); in the register/login function.