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Topics - Pumak47


The game mode is for 2 Rounds of 10 mins with 50 point limits each round (100 in total).
Players drop their dogtags upon death, appearing bright yellow for the killer's team and as bright red for the victim's team. The player's team gets a score for confirming the kill by collecting the dogtags, which awards the killer $100 as well as the player who confirmed it. The player may also deny teammates' deaths in the same fashion, but denying a kill does not add to the team score. However, it prevents the enemy from confirming it. Collecting a dogtag does not contribute to the player's Pointstreak.

Server Loc: Alemania
Script Information:
-Authors: [LBRr]Naru & [R3V]Pumak47

We are looking for Moderators

Gameplay Screenshots:


Server Name: [0.4] Trouble in Terrorist Town Server
Slots: 15
IP Adress:
H. Location: France (Powered by Drake)
Status: Locked
Map: Vice City (Random)
Version: TTT 1.0.1 BETA
IRC: #TTT.vcmp on LUNet
Forum: TTT Forums
Script Stats: 91%

What is Trouble in Terrorist Town?

Trouble in Terrorist Town (TTT) is a gamemode included with Garry's Mod for Counter Strike, but this time for Vice City Multiplayer. The game is about a group of "terrorists" who have traitors among them, out to kill everyone who's not a traitor.

A small number of players is selected as Traitors, who have to kill all the Innocent players (ie. the rest of the players). Those innocents know they are in the majority, but they do not know who is Traitor and who is not.

For the Innocent, knowledge is power: who is acting strangely? Who can be linked to evidence found on corpses? Who is still alive, even?

For more information visit our forums

We are looking new administrators ;)
Applications / WEBHOST
Jan 18, 2016, 07:46 AM
User Name: Pumak47
Sub-domain: battlefield
Email Address: [email protected]
What are you planning to do with this Webhost?: show news about the server and can talk with the community
Forum Software(Optional): i'll install my own software
Extra Information: Thanks
Applications / SERVERHOST
Jan 18, 2016, 06:54 AM
First Name: Ivan
Last Name: Rivas
Email Address: [email protected]
Server Name: Revolution Battlefield Vice City Server | 0.4
Port: 5190
Slots(10-100): 40
Clans and Families / [DZ] - Death Zone
Oct 17, 2014, 04:01 AM

WebSite: Death Zone Forums
Country: International
Clan tags: DZ^ - DZ
IRC Channel: #DZ on LUNet
Leader/s: Pumak47