[*S*] C-Glitch Fixer - temporary (with video)

Started by Sebastian, Feb 28, 2015, 09:15 AM

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C-Glitch Fixer

Hell yea ! You have read correctly !
You have here a fixer for the so annoying C-Glitch (slide) !


Download the latest squirrel plugin from here: https://bitbucket.org/stormeus/0.4-squirrel/downloads
(was updated 7 hours ago)

The code that will fix your gameplay !
function onPlayerCrouchChange( player, IsCrouchingNow )
if( IsCrouchingNow == false ) player.SetAnim(0,29);

PS: It's a temporary fix, due to some minor bad things.
(like setting the anim when a player is falled down while was crouching - but thanks to 0.4, there will not be any position unsync)


good job




Quote from: =TLK=zorko on Mar 22, 2015, 02:10 PMwhere to put those files?

Just replace the plugin in your plugins folder .so for linux and .dll for pc and put that code in your script

Grand Hunting Project
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Btw, this is not a real fix. It has bugs...  Imagine this: a crouched player is falled down by a car/shotgun. The animation I have set, will apply, and will replace the fall animation. (also the player will not be controlable until it stands)

The best way to fix it is to set player.SetAnim(0,29) when the player stands (from crouch position) because he want to. (and not when is affected by other variables)

EDIT: C-Glitch was fixed by developers, so no need to use this.
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