CreateVehicle bug or what?

Started by KAKAN, Aug 19, 2015, 06:32 PM

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function onServerStart()
loadvehicles( )
It shows, "Expression expected", What's the problem?
oh no


Am I supposed to guess the location/line? FFS You have one single, simple thing to remember and you can't even do that. Sometimes I wonder what's the average IQ around here. Well, w/e the number I'm sure it has a minus in front.

Anyway, check your commas. As a starting point. Then start adding lines incrementally until you pinpoint the exact line if not identified automatically.


There are many lines that doesnt have colour 2, fix the lines

CreateVehicle(146, Vector(-782.4065, 1116.9678, 10.0661 ), 0.3381, 3 );

Grand Hunting Project
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