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The reason is quite simple. Have you ever tried to Build V8? Because that's what node.js uses. And on top of that, have you ever tried to build Node.js itself? How do you deal with package installation and the environment that node.js needs in general? Have you ever asked yourself, `just why isn't there a fork of node.js that does things differently? like so many other open-source projects out there` The answer is quite simple. It would be a tremendous burden with a very complex setup that would require a significant amount of manpower and knowledge to maintain. This could work in a closed organisation with a common setup but the same can't be said about the general public.

Some of you are still baffled by the `index 'abc' does not exist` errors. And you want the developers trying to waste that amount of time in dealing with everyone's issues on setting up the whole thing and actually using.

I mean seriously tho. Try to reason with your fantasies. This is (waaaaay) beyond the scope of this project.


The only way this could be simplified is to make the server into a dynamic link library that you can then load into any program. Basically the server itself would be a plugin. I remember asking something like this in the past (link).

That way, you can load the server into any process and locate the entry point to initialize it and get a structure you can control and communicate with in return.

But that would get awkward eventually and is still beyond the scope of the project itself. I mean seriously tho, don't you think there are more pressing matters that need to be resolved first (if ever).
I believe you somehow managed to open this topic on the wrong forum. Please try to read the URL to confirm you actually meant to say that here.
  • Update the sqlite library to version 3.25.1
  • Update the SQLite_ColumnData function to support retrieval of values by either cell name or index.
  • Implement two new helper functions SQLite_RowAsTable and SQLite_RowAsArray to retrieve all the cells of a row as a table or array.
    Their alias compatible with the naming style of the official plugin are GetSQLColumnTable and GetSQLColumnArray.
  • Add support for 64 bit integers when the language was compiled with such support. Mainly 64 bit versions of the plugin.
  • A few other minor internal enhancements.
Binaries are on the repository. Check the first post for more details.

Here's a simple example that showcase the added features:

local db = SQLite_Open("test.db");

// Create the table
SQLite_Exec(db, @"
        [name] TEXT,
        [hp]    REAL

// Insert stuff
SQLite_Exec(db, @"INSERT INTO [Test] (name, hp) VALUES ('test1', 23.96);");
SQLite_Exec(db, @"INSERT INTO [Test] (name, hp) VALUES ('test2', 52.64);");
SQLite_Exec(db, @"INSERT INTO [Test] (name, hp) VALUES ('test3', 45.75);");

// Read it back

print("\n\nTable Test ================\n");
local q = SQLite_Query(db, "SELECT * FROM [Test]");

if (q != null) do {
local r = SQLite_RowAsTable(q);
print("Index: " + r["id"]); // Also:
print("Name: " + r["name"]); // Also:
print("health: " + r["hp"]); // Also: r.hp
} while (SQLite_NextRow(q));
print("\n\nArray Test ================\n");
local q = SQLite_Query(db, "SELECT * FROM [Test]");

if (q != null) do {
local r = SQLite_RowAsArray(q);
print("Index: " + r[0]);
print("Name: " + r[1]);
print("health: " + r[2]);
} while (SQLite_NextRow(q));
print("\n\nName Test ================\n");
local q = SQLite_Query(db, "SELECT * FROM [Test]");

if (q != null) do {
print("Index: " + SQLite_ColumnData(q, "id"));
print("Name: " + SQLite_ColumnData(q, "name"));
print("health: " + SQLite_ColumnData(q, "hp"));
} while (SQLite_NextRow(q));
print("\n\nIndex Test ================\n");
local q = SQLite_Query(db, "SELECT * FROM [Test]");

if (q != null) do {
print("Index: " + SQLite_ColumnData(q, 0));
print("Name: " + SQLite_ColumnData(q, 1));
print("health: " + SQLite_ColumnData(q, 2));
} while (SQLite_NextRow(q));
As an alternative if you're not into exotic algorithms

(since you failed to post your solution)
General Discussion / Re: Javascript plugin
Aug 07, 2018, 11:40 AM
Quote from: NewK on Aug 06, 2018, 10:54 PM...
This plugin relies on the vcmp java plugin to expose the vcmp "environment" to the javacript context. VCMP server functions and events are exposed from the java plugin and can be used seemlessly from javascript. Java will also be used to implement  IO, multithreading and any other external library that's needed. It will then provide access to all of that through simple javascript APIs.

I kinda knew that was the case. Doing this via c/c++ for v8 or some other engine would be a little overkill.
Quote from: PhPmayan on Jul 16, 2018, 07:03 AMHello,

i dont know why but when i connect to a server the game immediately exits and not showing me an error message or something



That loud enough?
Quote from: ahmedzead on Aug 04, 2018, 06:58 PMwhat is the meaning of this

Indeed. I would like to ask you the same question. What is the meaning of this?
Quote from: Abri on Jul 31, 2018, 12:22 AMRestore Road textures to originally / less lag on low fps gamers /

I assume you're one of those if you care so much.

Quote from: Abri on Jul 31, 2018, 12:22 AMremove laggers :D /just kidding/

If people knew how to do that efficiently they'd do it already. And I'd be very careful with those wishes/requests. I've highlighted the possible reasons why.
Community Plugins / Simple Hash
Jul 29, 2018, 02:37 PM
This is basically an alternative to the official plugin that I implemented quickly after having some issues with the official plugin. Implements the same interface as the official plugin excluding the SHA224, SHA224, SHA384, SHA512, RIPEMD128, RIPEMD160, RIPEMD256, RIPEMD320 functions. In case you need those, feel free to use the official plugin.

The plugin only implements:

  • base64_encode
  • base64_decode
  • CRC32
  • MD5
  • SHA1
  • SHA256
  • SHA3

So if you use any of those and you have issues with the official plugin. Then you can use this as an alternative. Just drop the plugin into your server and should work without any changes to your script.

You can find the plugin here:

Please note that I haven't done any extensive testing on it.

Contains most relevant information about client-side scripting.
The developers have nothing to do with these incidents. The security of a server falls into the hands of the scripter. If he is unable to understand what goes into writing safe code, and sometimes outright ignoring the constant warnings by other fellow members. Then he is to blame for everything.

I honestly wish to congratulate `(SpCy) Alex` (did I spell that correct?) for taking the time to pwn some noobs. There's nothing more satisfying than knowing you warned someone about something and yet they still didn't bothered to listen. God dayum that feels great.

I'm not sure what you thought was going to happen here. That everyone will form a riot or something? To hunt that user down and ban him everywhere. For what reason? For what cause?

Get real. Learn and move on.


If I were you, I'd look from above because I'm sure there's a d!ck in there. Otherwise, that's a missed opportunity.

General Discussion / Re: LOL What The ....?
Jul 20, 2018, 08:38 AM

The more you fight this crap, the worse it gets. Like an itch on your skin. Better left alone.
Hold on. What are we talking about here? Escaping query strings or freeing query results? Because those are two different things. There seems to be a ton of confusion in this topic as to what are we talking about.
What plugin is this? Because we have two SQL related plugins. MySQL and SQLite. And I can't find it in neither of them.