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Topics - Marcell


Fix the car exiting - currently, a passanger is pretty much 'locked up' unless the vehicle stops moving. A passanger should be able to jump out of a vehicle, both car and heli, when it's on the move, just like 0.3

Melee sync: When using some bladed weapons such as knife, machete, etc, your character will get into an attack loop repeating the same attack, and only way to break it off is to crouch or jump.

Pickups: On 04v004 there's a weird bug that turns many objects into pickups - even the barrels on Vercetti's roof for example. This needs to be addressed because some servers for example *cough* ogonoth *cough* use such items as decorative items, and it makes newbs thinks those objects you can interact with.
I realize currently a dead body is tied to a player and it's respawned as soon as the player is respawned, but how about a config option where we could make the dead body stay longer on the ground, in predefined seconds? it's really immersion breaking to do a huge carnage, heads being blown off everywhere etc yet the bodies disappear after a few seconds. Of course, player respawn could be delayed but thats a big price just for a visual feature.
General Discussion / Custom player skins?
Mar 05, 2016, 02:24 PM
It would be nice if we could put custom player models just like cars/weapons/maps. Other than more content on servers, it could be also useful for DM events since basically if you use custom skins for it (you can just import original skins as new ones too) you're making sure nobody is gonna alter his hitbox.