NOGOTO SYSTEM BY GITOClassClass PlayerStats{
nogoto = false;
Databasefunction onScriptLoad() {
nogoto <- ConnectSQL("Nogoto.db");
QuerySQL(nogoto, "create table if not exists nogoto ( Name Text ,nogoto TEXT) ");
Database Closefunction onScriptUnload() {
Functionsfunction Nogoto(player)
local q = QuerySQL(nogoto, "SELECT * FROM nogoto WHERE Name = '" + escapeSQLString(player.Name) + "'");
if (q)
stats[ player.ID ].nogoto = GetSQLColumnData( q, 1 );
else QuerySQL( nogoto, "INSERT INTO nogoto ( Name, nogoto ) VALUES ( '" + escapeSQLString(player.Name) + "', ' false ' )" );
function Nogotodb(player)
QuerySQL( nogoto, "UPDATE nogoto SET nogoto='"+ stats[ player.ID ].nogoto +"' WHERE Name = '"+player.Name+"'");
PlayerJoinfunction onPlayerJoin(player){
PlayerPartfunction onPlayerPart(player); {
PlayerCommandfunction onPlayerCommand(player, cmd, text){
else if(cmd == "nogoto")
if(!text) MessagePlayer("[#ff0000]Error: [#ffffff]/" + cmd + " <on/off>", player);
if(text == "on" || text == "1" || text == "set" || text == "true")
local q = QuerySQL(nogoto, "SELECT * FROM nogoto WHERE Name = '" + player.Name + "'");
if (stats[player.ID].nogoto == true) MessagePlayer("[#ff0000]Error: [#ffffff]Nogoto is already on!",player);
else if( q && GetSQLColumnData(q, 1) == "true" ) MessagePlayer("[#ff0000]Error: [#ffffff]Nogoto is already on!",player);
else {
stats[player.ID].nogoto = true;
MessagePlayer("[#ffa447]Nogoto has been turned on, Now no one will be able to teleport to you.",player);
QuerySQL( nogoto, "UPDATE nogoto SET nogoto='"+ stats[ player.ID ].nogoto +"' WHERE Name = '"+player.Name+"'");
if(text == "off" || text == "0" || text == "del" || text == "false")
if (stats[player.ID].nogoto == false) MessagePlayer("[#ff0000]Error: [#ffffff]Nogoto is already off!",player);
else {
stats[player.ID].nogoto = false;
MessagePlayer("[#ffa447]Nogoto has been turned off, Everyone will be able to teleport to you.",player);
QuerySQL( nogoto, "UPDATE nogoto SET nogoto='"+ stats[ player.ID ].nogoto +"' WHERE Name = '"+player.Name+"'");
return 0;
Goto LinePut this on goto command
local q = QuerySQL(nogoto, "SELECT * FROM nogoto WHERE Name = '" + plr.Name + "'");
if( q && GetSQLColumnData(q, 1) == "true" ) MessagePlayer("[#ff0000]Error: [#ffffff]Target player has his nogoto enabled!",player);
else if (stats[plr.ID].nogoto == true) MessagePlayer("[#ff0000]Error: [#ffffff]Target player has his nogoto enabled!",player);
Cool! ;D
I'm not 100 % sure, but is it correct to write "Class" instead of "class" in squirreil?
Quote from: Athanatos on Oct 09, 2021, 03:12 PMI'm not 100 % sure, but is it correct to write "Class" instead of "class" in squirreil?
yes, it should be "class"
+ it's squirrel not squirreil
thanks for this code
Quote from: cowboy on Oct 09, 2021, 03:39 PM+ it's squirrel not squirreil
Thank you, I always mistype squirrel