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Messages - PLAYER

Hello Guys! I need Hpaddon for example if we kill someone we will get hp like 10 20 30... if someone have this then please give me i need this alot
I want only Distance Function if someone have then share with me
Hey Guys I want Distance Function like when someone kill other player the message
[#1FFFF9]>> Gabar[#FFF11B] killed [#FF0000] barosanu[#FFF11B] Weapon: [[#6BFF46]M4[#FFF11B]] [#FFF11B]Ping:[#1FFFF9][166] Distance: ( This )
Thank you Solved!
FinishScreenshot: Not supported in 16-bit mode (0)
Anyone help me to fix this error?
see the error:-
Failed to capture screenshot. For more information, use /showdebug 1 and try again.
Support / Re: Help needed
Jul 06, 2024, 07:19 AM
Support / Re: Help needed
Jul 06, 2024, 06:32 AM
libpng16.dll error
Support / Help needed
Jul 06, 2024, 06:30 AM
Vcmp Version Error showing please tell me how to fix this
That's a blank server I don't need blank server i want to know how to add picture in Vcmp server Could you please help me in this or any other player?
Hello! I want to use a downloaded picture in my Vcmp server I saw some servers of vcmp that have downloaded picture I want to know how to add any picture in Vcmp Server
Script Showroom / Re: Stats system
Jun 01, 2024, 06:57 AM
Crying ;D
I want parkour system for my Server can anyone give me please :D