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Topics - capitan01

Support / Some servers do not show up
Sep 21, 2016, 03:46 AM
Hi guys, these last days i am getting a problem with the master list, i frecuently play in LW, so around two weeks ago or so i can not connect any more on it. LW ip was added to my favorite list but browser cant get it too.

So i click on official/internet section and it is not working too, i mean the rest of servers just show up but servers like LW, Argonat are die to me.

The funny thing is, i have connected my VPN service (payone) and i finally can see the full list (include LW), but as you can know it just canĀ“t connect to play.

So what the fuck is wrong with my client? could you even say some tips to try solving this shot?

PD: i normaly got 200 ping on europeans servers.
PD1: i have reinstalled my browser a lot of times.
PD2: please do not just say "its your internet buy a new one" i already told about my VPN test.
PD3: never got any kind of issues like this before in my whole life as VCMP player.