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Topics - Williams

Hey i making a new script in which in server only two skin one for police second for territories.. I want to make a script like counter strike game only two team red and blue.... I already choose a blue skin and i want red team skin .. So can i make a custom skin?
Hi, i want to make a world Boundaries so any one help me  want like that!

i think i want to add like this :- <WorldBoundaries MaxX="5000.0" MinX="-5000.0" MaxY="5000.0" MinY="-5000.0"/>
SetWorldBounds(5000.0, -5000.0, 5000.0, -5000.0 );

which one is right?
HI guys i need help i have Delban function it's not work so help me.. and tell me what is bug please!.

else if ( cmd == "unban" )
   if ( IsNoob( player, cmd ) ) return 0;
   else if ( !text ) MessagePlayer(WHITE+"Syntax - /" + cmd + " <Full Nick>", player );
   else if ( CheckBan( text ) == 0 ) MessagePlayer( YELLOW+"Error - - [ " + text + " ] is not Banned.", player );
   else DelBan( player, text );

function DelBan( admin, banned )
    local type = "Nick-Banned";
    local q = QuerySQL( db, "SELECT * FROM Ban WHERE Name='" + banned + "'" );
    local name = GetSQLColumnData( q, 0 );
    if ( GetSQLColumnData( q, 6 ) == type )
    QuerySQL( db, "DELETE FROM Ban WHERE Name='" + banned + "'" );
Message(RED+ "--> Admin [ " + admin + " ] Un-Banned Player:[ "  + banned +  " ]" );
EchoMessage(ICOL_GREEN+ICOL_BOLD+">> Admin [" + admin + "] Un-Banned Player:[ "  + banned +  " ]" );

Please tell me bug!

HAve a Nice day!!
General Discussion / ucp help
Jan 02, 2016, 09:13 AM
Hi all i need your help please anyone know how to connect ucp with server so plzz help me i created a ucp with my cousin brother..... so plzz anyone know how to connect so help me.....

Have a nice day!
Servers / ----Pro Fighter Server----
Dec 30, 2015, 04:31 PM

Server Name: Pro Fighter Server.
Forum: PFS Forum
IRC Channel:#GDM @LUNet
Developer: Williams, Bloody
Hoster: Mashreq

Server Staff







I hope You Like My Server...... :D
Hey, guys i need help in new weather for winter.
I need a snowfall weather please help me i need help...

Hey, i need help i have a adduser command. its giving a error :-

params dose exist
command :-

else if ( cmd == "adduser" )
                    if ( !GetTag( player.Name ) ) MessagePlayer(YELLOW+"Error you no have clan!", player );
                    else if ( !IsClanManager( player.Name.tolower() ) ) MessagePlayer(YELLOW+"Error you not are leader of this clan.", player );
                    else if ( !text ) MessagePlayer(WHITE+"Syntax - !adduser <FullUser-WithoutTag>", player );
                       if ( !IsClanRegister( GetTag( player.Name ).tolower() ) ) MessagePlayer(YELLOW+"Error - The clan " + GetTag( player.Name ) + " is no register!", player );
                       else {
                                local User = params[ 0 ], Clan = GetTag( player.Name );
                                   q <- QuerySQL( db, "SELECT * FROM ClanUsers WHERE Clans='" + GetTag( player.Name ) + "' COLLATE NOCASE" );
                                  DBName <- GetSQLColumnData( q, 1 ).tostring();
                                     if ( GetTag( User ) ) MessagePlayer(WHITE+"Error Only do this: !adduser " + TruncateClan( params[0] ) + ".", player );

                                     else if ( DBName.tolower().find( User.tolower() ) )
                                     MessagePlayer(YELLOW+"Error - This player is already in the list!", player );
else {
                                     local dos = QuerySQL( db, "SELECT Users FROM ClanUsers WHERE Clans='" + Clan.tolower() + "' COLLATE NOCASE" );

                                     local Users = GetSQLColumnData( dos, 0 );
                                     // Making a new player for clan in database dont delete this "DFAX0067XLPKDW"
                                     if ( Users ) QuerySQL( db, format( "UPDATE ClanUsers SET Users='%s' WHERE Clans='" + Clan + "' COLLATE NOCASE", ""+Users+" "+User+"" ) );
                                     else QuerySQL( db, format( "UPDATE ClanUsers SET Users='%s' WHERE Clans='" + Clan + "' COLLATE NOCASE", "DFAX0067XLPKDW "+User+"" ) );
                                     // Message confirmation
                                     Message(LGREEN+"[INFO]:"+WHITE+"Leader"+ player.Name +"'s added new user in Clan: " + Clan +"." );
                                     Message(LGREEN+"[INFO]:"+WHITE+"New User: " + User + " - Where: " + Clan + "." ); 

If you found any bug so tell me.
In VCMP and I swim in water its possible ?? like DayDream Server
anyone know this so help me... 
Hey, i want to make a fuel system and anyone tell me give me fuel system or help me to make this system.
please i need help so plzz help
Scripting and Server Management / Need Help
Dec 15, 2015, 12:58 PM
I want to make a Sphere can any one give me guide line? so please help
i have one example

function onSphereEntered( player, sphere )
if( sphere.ID == 1 ) // what id you want to add
MessagePlayer("You've be enter in house", player);