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Messages - Nihongo^

Quote from: Xhefri on Jan 04, 2019, 05:19 PMelse if ( cmd == "wep" )
  if ( !player.Spawned ) MessagePlayer( "[#fdff00]You need to spawn to use this command.", player );
   if ( text )
        local wepid = GetWeaponID( text );
        player.SetWeapon( wepid, 1000 );
        MessagePlayer( "[#fdff00]You receive [" + GetWeaponName( wepid ) + "] 1000 ammo." , player );
      else MessagePlayer( "[#fdff00] To get weapon type /wep <name>  ", player );
i have the same cmd how do i block minigun ?
Hi guys i am receving an error "Null0000" after getting weapon how do i fix it ?

else if ( cmd == "wep" || cmd == "we" || cmd == "buywep" )
 if ( status[ player.ID ].Registered == false ) ErrorMessage( "[#FF0000][Server] - [#FFFFFF]You need to be a part of our community to use this command.", player );
  else if ( status[ player.ID ].Logged == false ) ErrorMessage( "[#FF0000][Server] - [#FFFFFF]You need to be identified to use this command.", player );
  else if ( !text ) return ErrorMessage( "[#FF0000][Server] - [#FFFFFF]/"+cmd+" <wep1, wep2, wep3...>", player );
  local params = split( text, " " ); // Take out the space array
  local weapons; // Create a new null variable which will be holding the list of weapons player took.
  for( local i = 0; i <= params.len() - 1; i++ ) // since the 'len' returns value from 1 and array's starting value point is 0, we will use len() - 1 otherwise we'll receive an error.
   if( !IsNum( params[i] ) && GetWeaponID( params[i] ) && GetWeaponID( params[i] ) > 0 && GetWeaponID( params[i] ) <= 32 ) // if Name was specified.
    player.SetWeapon( GetWeaponID( params[i] ), 99999 ); // Get the weapon ID from its Name
    weapons = weapons + " " + GetWeaponName( GetWeaponID( params[i] ) ); // Add the weapon name to given weapon list
   else if( IsNum( params[i] ) && params[i].tointeger() < 33 && params[i].tointeger() > 0 ) // if ID was specified
    player.SetWeapon( params[i].tointeger(), 99999 ); // Then just give player that weapon
    weapons = weapons + ", " + GetWeaponName( params[i].tointeger() ); // Get the weapon name from the ID and add it.
   else ErrorMessage( "[#FF0000][Server] - [#FFFFFF]Invalid Weapon Name/ID!", player ); // if the invalid ID/Name was given

  if( weapons != null ) SendMessage( "[#008000][WEAPONS] - [#FFFFFF]Received weapons: "+weapons+".", player );
  else ErrorMessage( "[#FF0000][Server] - [#FFFFFF]No weapons specified", player );
any one ?
Quote from: ! on Jan 01, 2019, 01:57 PMRegisterClan( player, Clan, Owner.tolower(ss) );
Why is there ss inside brackets?

Ah shit i think i mistakenly wrote "ss" while pasting Code HERE
there's no "ss" on my command i mistakenly put while pasting it

QuoteThe message in the server clearly says that the argument OwnerNick received is empty string.

I've fix that problem sir by putting the old gettok function i am facing an other problem now I've added members on db the script is counting my kills and deats ( AS OWNER NOT MEMBER ) but not counting my member's kills/deaths

check the pic kindly i just killed [MD]Test which mean it has to increase Clan deaths too

Which function should i need to show you ?

here's on player kill function

if ( status[ killer.ID ].Clan != null )
local Clan = status[ killer.ID ].Clan;
IncTagKills( Clan );
if ( status[ player.ID ].Clan != null )
local Clan = status[ player.ID ].Clan;
IncTagDeaths( Clan );
Support / Nick not register Clan bug
Dec 31, 2018, 02:51 PM
Hi first thanks to all of you who are helping me
i am trying to put clan system on my script i put clan tag and owner nick but server said that nick ( owner name ) not register while my nick is already on db and i am an admin

else if ( cmd == "addclan" )
  if ( status[ player.ID ].Registered == false ) ErrorMessage( "[#FF0000][Server] - [#FFFFFF]You need to be a part of our community to use this command.", player );
  else if ( status[ player.ID ].Logged == false ) ErrorMessage( "[#FF0000][Server] - [#FFFFFF]You need to be identified to use this command.", player );
  else if ( GetLevel( player ) < 6 ) ErrorMessage("[Server] - [#FFFFFF]You don't have access to use this Command.", player );
  else if ( !text ) ErrorMessage( "[SYNTAX] - [#FFFFFF] /"+cmd+" <Clan-Tag> <Clan-Admin-Full-Nick>", player );
    local Clan = GetTok( text, " ", 1 );
    if ( !Clan ) ErrorMessage( "[ERROR] - Mention Clan-Tag.", player );
    else if ( Clan && IsClanRegister( Clan.tolower() ) ) ErrorMessage( "[ERROR] - [#FFFFFF]Clan [ "+Clan+" ] is already registered.", player );
      local Owner = GetTok( text, " ", 2 );
      if ( !Owner ) ErrorMessage( "[ERROR] - [#FFFFFF]Mention Clan-Admin-Nick.", player );
      else RegisterClan( player, Clan, Owner.tolower(ss) );


function RegisterClan( player, Clan, OwnerNick )
  local q = QuerySQL( db, "SELECT Name FROM Accounts WHERE lower(Name) LIKE '"+OwnerNick+"'" );
  if (!q) ErrorMessage( "[#FF0000][Server] - [#FFFFFF]"+OwnerNick+" is not a registered nick.", player );
  else if (q)
    local Owner = GetSQLColumnData( q, 0 );
    QuerySQL( db, "UPDATE Accounts SET Clan='"+Clan.tolower()+"' WHERE Name='"+Owner+"'COLLATE NOCASE" );
    QuerySQL( db, "INSERT INTO ClanMembers ( Clan , Owner, Leader1, Leader2, Leader3, Users  ) VALUES ( '"+Clan.tolower()+"', '"+Owner+"', 'null', 'null', 'null', 'Members:' )" );
    QuerySQL( db, "INSERT INTO ClanStats ( Tag, Clan , Kills, Deaths, Deads ) VALUES ( '"+Clan+"', '"+Clan.tolower()+"', '0', '0', '0' )" );
    QuerySQL( db, "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "+Clan.tolower()+" ( Clan TEXT, Member TEXT, Reporter TEXT, Reason TEXT, Date_Of_Report TEXT )" );
    ServerMessage( "Admin "+player.Name+" has registered a new clan:[ "+Clan+" ] clan admin:[ "+Owner+" ]." )

Support / Re: Camlook back
Dec 31, 2018, 02:12 PM
Thank you so much
Support / Camlook back
Dec 31, 2018, 04:49 AM
HI my player is stand behind the camera and i want my camlook to watch back can any one help me ? how do i make my camera look back

<PlayerPos x="-1075.53" y="-87.1977" z="11.3938"/>
<CamPos x="-1067.77" y="-86.4161" z="11.2698"/>
<CamLook x="10.100" y="10.300" z="100.77"/>
<WorldBoundaries x1="5000.0" x2="-5000.0" y1="5000.0" y2="-5000.0"/>
Support / Re: VCMP mods Files ??
Dec 31, 2018, 03:33 AM
Quote from: MEGAMIND on Dec 29, 2018, 06:15 PM
Quote from: Nihongo^ on Dec 29, 2018, 04:17 PM
Quote from: MEGAMIND on Dec 29, 2018, 03:34 PM
Quote from: Nihongo^ on Dec 29, 2018, 03:28 PMThe result is same even after putting "autogenerate" its still saying the same error
then ur dff is wrong
hmm well bro i get that file with the help of imgtool what i wrote "litlhaitibuilding09" also you didn't asnwere my question that how do you came to know that "litlhaitibuilding09" can attached with this file

This is easy u just need to check files or string codes inside .ipl files or maybe .dat files
heres ur package
Can you elaborate more all i know is about imgtool which can help me to get diff file. Where is ipl .dat files ?
Support / Re: VCMP mods Files ??
Dec 29, 2018, 04:17 PM
Quote from: MEGAMIND on Dec 29, 2018, 03:34 PM
Quote from: Nihongo^ on Dec 29, 2018, 03:28 PMThe result is same even after putting "autogenerate" its still saying the same error
then ur dff is wrong
hmm well bro i get that file with the help of imgtool what i wrote "litlhaitibuilding09" also you didn't asnwere my question that how do you came to know that "litlhaitibuilding09" can attached with this file
Support / Re: VCMP mods Files ??
Dec 29, 2018, 03:28 PM
The result is same even after putting "autogenerate" its still saying the same error
Support / Re: VCMP mods Files ??
Dec 29, 2018, 01:51 PM
Sorry for double post i tried to make my own but i get this bug

in object.xml

Support / Re: VCMP mods Files ??
Dec 29, 2018, 01:20 PM
one question how do you find the exact name "litlhaitibuilding09" ? with moomaper ?
also file is not found can you fix that download link ?
Support / Re: Topclan not in one line
Dec 29, 2018, 11:50 AM
Quote from: Doom_Kill3R on Dec 29, 2018, 09:54 AMAs for your issue, it seems like the clan "MD" has a new line char in it, try checking the db or wherever you are storing them and make sure the clan names don't have a new line.
Ah my bad Thank you so much Doom Solved
Support / Re: Gui read the data base ?
Dec 29, 2018, 08:22 AM
Quote// Do the database query
 // Then send that back  to client
That's want i want to know how the code look like? if you don't mind can you tell me with an example ?
Support / Re: Topclan not in one line
Dec 29, 2018, 08:04 AM
Quote from: MEGAMIND on Dec 29, 2018, 05:56 AM
Quote from: KuRuMi^ on Dec 28, 2018, 05:19 PM
Quote from: Nihongo^ on Dec 28, 2018, 11:21 AMnot work with /n
ClientMessage( "Top 5 Killers: \n" + name1 + " Kills: " + kills1 + " | " + name2 + " Kills: " + kills2 + " | " + name3 + " Kills: " + kills3 + " | " + name4 + " Kills: " + kills4 + " | " + name5 + " Kills: " + kills5 + "." player, 255, 255,  0  );

ClientMessage( "Top 5 Killers:\n "+ name1 + " Kills: " + kills1 + "\n" + name2 + " Kills: " + kills2 + "\n" + name3 + " Kills: " + kills3 + "\n" + name4 + " Kills: " + kills4 + "\n" + name5 + " Kills: " + kills5 + ".", player, 255, 255, 0 );
this is what actually he told u too \n means a newline so as u  can see there are many \n so obviously each clan tag will start from new line
I know bro the question is how can i appear "MD" in one line /n seems not work for me