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Messages - Spice

or may be this event onplayer awayChange()......?
Support / problem when i run linux server
Aug 08, 2015, 09:18 AM
when i run linux server it gives me an error listing this

/mpsvrrel32: /usr/lib/ version `GLIBCXX_3.4.14' not found (required by ./mpsvrrel32)

can annyone tell what should i do...?
i want if a player go on pause menu server auto genrate message player is away
i think this Event will be used onplayer StateChange but i dont know how to use it plz help me...
Thankx Bro Problem solved  Topic locked
i just add them like as they only placed on map like ramp.....then?
so i should use method that i have posted.....(i.e database)...?
Is it possible that i creat and remove markers during game.....
For example a marker of gun if i use it on every ammunation and then i want to remove a specific ammunation's it possible to do that without closing or restarting server......

I was thinking to store all the markers and their locs in database like id 1 marker of  downtown ammunation and 2 of north point mall this...? am i right?....if yes then also tell me if there is any other easy and alternate idea.....?

can adding objects cause lag Server i am not talking about custom objects ......objects whom ids are given by default in server.....
sorry for this post i get it by myself
its player.Team
can any one tell me how can i get the all the players of same team id...?
it didnt disable my weps in cuban cafe
while when i use co-ordinates of bank those work perfectly.....
itx not working i have tried here are its x y poses and my code....

function IsPlayerInArea( player, AreaName )
 local r1;
 if ( AreaName == "cuban" )
   r1 = InPoly( player.Pos.x, player.Pos.y, -1175.0514, -608.6057, -1171.8179, -633.6555, -1161.2239, -632.0810, -1164.5632, -607.0847 );
   if ( r1 ) return true;
   else return false;
function onPlayerMove( player, x1, y1, z1, x2, y2, z2 )
 if (IsPlayerInArea( player, "cuban" ))
        Announce( "~y~ \x10 \x10 \x10 \x10 \x10 weapons disabled", player, 3 );
player.CanAttack = false;
  else player.CanAttack = true;

Thank you for ur help
Thankx man it realy healped me a lot......
nah we need some poses that should cover an area like if i want to cover cuban cafe then on which positions i have to get player pos so that cuban cafe covered in that poses.....lets take an example of square it has four sides if i want to cover that square then on which positions i have to get playe.Pos and use in inpoly