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Messages - Nihongo^

Clans and Families / Re: [DBZ] Dragon Ball Z
Sep 09, 2016, 01:12 PM
Fake kakarot fake gohan fake ALL
Quote from: KAKAN on Sep 09, 2016, 06:57 AM
Quote from: Shovon^ on Sep 09, 2016, 02:49 AM:) can u give me the script of clan after you figure put the fix??? I also need it
another nerd here lol
Quote from: Nihongo^ on Sep 08, 2016, 07:35 PMwhat about gettag function where i place it  ?
Just edit the function a bit to use the array instead of that table.
KAKAN will you please give little bit example ? i mean a way to use that array on my GetTag function ? i'm confused
Thanks vito its help a lot
how to use it ? can i simple paste it on that function ?
hello ?
why they are looking back ? how do i fix it ? here's my code

      <PlayerPos x="-640.38" y="-549.62" z="18.9747"/>
         <CamPos x="-639.38" y="-555.62" z="19.9747"/>
       <CamLook x="-640.38" y="-549.62" z="18.9747"/>
         <WorldBoundaries x1="5000.0" x2="-5000.0" y1="5000.0" y2="-5000.0" />

what about gettag function where i place it  ?
Quote from: Hercules on Sep 08, 2016, 03:49 PMWrong Board next time post in right place.
will you please tell me
which board is for server bugs relate and for Discussion
Thanks for reply well its see like this ? ( just example )

can u give example  ?
hello im using kartoz GetTag( string ) function we can add clans manually in note pad
but is it possible to add them into a database instead adding it on NOTEPAD ?
Quotefunction GetTag( string )
        Tag = FindClan( string ).toupper(),                 // Getting the clan tag & switching it to upper case just to match the table regardless of case.
        // There needed the alliance in big letters
        // Clan Table for defining slots of clan sublevels [ Trainee, Rookie & Scout ]
        Clans = { VU_T = "VU", VU_R = "VU", TLK = "ULK", TLKR = "ULK", MKT = "MK", MKS = "MK", DKR = "DK", DKT = "DK", DKS = "DK" };
         if ( Tag in Clans )    // Checking if the tag obtained through findclan( string ) is in Clan Table or not
             return Clans[ Tag ];      // If yes, its time to calling their corresponding slots from the table
        else return FindClan( string );    // if not, then tag will be as it is [ If no slot will be alloted for a clan then script may recognize sublevels as other clans ]
General Discussion / Re: TXD file load
Sep 04, 2016, 10:46 AM
void HideMapObject( int nModelId, float x, float y, float z )
 int x2 = (int)(floor( x * 10.0f ) + 0.5f);
 int y2 = (int)(floor( y * 10.0f ) + 0.5f);
 int z2 = (int)(floor( z * 10.0f ) + 0.5f);

 functions->HideMapObject( nModelId, x2, y2, z2 );

how do i use it ? 
General Discussion / Re: TXD file load
Sep 04, 2016, 09:15 AM
so its mean there's no way to remove that taxi house OR update the texture
General Discussion / Re: TXD file load
Sep 04, 2016, 07:34 AM
Thanks for reply shadow but its work i tried your code but the object not removing from that place
Its weird i try to remove this car using iplhide32 its successfully removed from there

but why the taxi house not removing ?
General Discussion / Re: TXD file load
Sep 03, 2016, 05:53 PM
Quote from: Kewun on Sep 03, 2016, 05:45 PMWorld, and after pos x
try it
Like this
RawHideMapObject(1620, 1,-992.949, 201.774 ,18.7424); not work