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Messages - Nilz

When I was having that problem, I deleted plugins and the Server executable file and re-downloaded everything again. I even deleted all files from FTP and re-uploaded them again. I set the permissions to 777, and it didn't work.

But I don't really know about Line-endings, so that might have been the main problem. Throughout the time I've been making scripts in VC:MP, I never set or checked line-endings of anything. :P
[15:19] (Monday - 15:19) <Nilz> what did you do
[15:19] (Monday - 15:19) <Nilz> to fix it?
[15:19] (Monday - 15:19) <Murdock> i replaced your modules and executables with mine (some i got from gudio 10 min ago)
[15:20] (Monday - 15:20) <Murdock> i replaced line endings with UNIX in your config and scripts
[15:20] (Monday - 15:20) <Murdock> I added a few parameters to your server.cfg, just like mine
[15:20] (Monday - 15:20) <Murdock> I chmodded all your executables, .so and .db files to 755
[15:20] (Monday - 15:20) <Murdock> and it worked :P
My problem has been solved.

Thanks everyone who helped me! It is really appreciated :D
I had already re-downloaded all new files (except sockets module since I'm not using it)
Gudio: Linux.


I also tried to open the server on my PC (Windows), and this is happening:

But anyway, I care more about solving this issue in Linux.

Gulk: That method didn't work either :(

I temporarily removed announce04rel64 plugin on purpose, because I was testing something. (just telling you so that you won't think I accidently missed to load that plugin)
sqgamemode script.nut
Before posting here I obviously ensured that it was not a problem of my script.

I even replaced my script.nut for another file that only contained onPlayerJoin function and I was only executing this: Message( "Welcome player!" ); And it didn't even work either.
There's not any error on console, even after placing plugins in the way S.L.C suggested.

The scripts aren't loading at all. :/
I have this on server.cfg

plugins squirrel04rel64 xmlconf04rel64 sqlite04rel64 announce04rel64
Is there anyone else having problems with the last update? (04rel002)

The server is not loading server.conf correctly, therefore it is setting default skins and spawn locations. Also, it sometimes doesn't even load the script.nut.

This started to happen since I updated the Server and the plugins to the newest ones.