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Messages - Juppi


After a long hiatus, Miami-Dade: Racing returns to the VC:MP world with a brand new core and gamemode. This is the first gamemode that Project Apollo has worked on in a very long time, and the first for us in VC:MP 0.4.

Thanks to much hardwork from Juppi (who wrote the race engine/core), AdTec_224 (for converting it to MDR/VCMP 0.4) and Force, we are ready to get back into the racing scene again. The new features of 0.4 have enabled us to do so much more than we previously could, and whilst we still have a few more features to add, we are most definitely back!

You can come and find us over at right now! I hope you're ready to prove your racing skills again!

Only recently upgraded my pc so don't remember everything off the top off my head but:

CPU: Intel Xeon E3-1241v3 @ 3.50GHz
RAM: 8GB DDR3 Crucial Ballistix Tactical 1600MHz CL8
GPU: Asus GeForce GTX 970

SSD: 250GB Samsung 840 EVO
Storage: 4TB (2TB Seagate Barracuda, 1TB WD Blue, 1TB Samsung F3)
Soundcard: Asus Xonar
Screens: 27" 1440p, 23" 1080p
OS: Windows 8.1/Arch Linux