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Messages - PsyChO_KiLLeR

General Discussion / Re: Good News For All
Mar 09, 2015, 03:04 PM
General Discussion / Re: Good News For All
Mar 09, 2015, 01:58 PM
lol for u all
can some one tell me here?
General Discussion / Good News For All
Mar 09, 2015, 01:28 PM
Well i disturb u much but good new is i am leaving vcmp ;)
Thnx for helping
Scripting and Server Management / Custom Map
Mar 09, 2015, 08:07 AM
well i have a one custom map which has files that are vc data like mansion and starl and they include ipl , col and ide file how can i set them in my svr
Scripting and Server Management / Re: Objects
Mar 09, 2015, 07:56 AM
collison = "none" ????? i have to set this
Scripting and Server Management / Re: Objects
Mar 09, 2015, 01:42 AM
so your mean i have to change collosion file to none?
Scripting and Server Management / Re: Objects
Mar 08, 2015, 04:03 AM
well thnx for helping i add their 2 custom objects they come but how to run them i mean how to drive them
Scripting and Server Management / Re: Objects
Mar 07, 2015, 04:58 PM
not working
Scripting and Server Management / Re: Objects
Mar 07, 2015, 04:53 PM
Okay so what's this seeebbyy???

Scripting and Server Management / Objects
Mar 07, 2015, 04:16 PM
Well i add a custom object of a car and i also added in object.xml with id 23 then i go to my server and i type /exec CreateObject( 6024, 0, FindPlayer(0), 255 ); but nothing happens

then i add train in my objects folder and i give him id of 24 and i go in server and type /exec CreateObject( 6025, 0, FindPlayer(0), 255 );

Nothin Happens...What's Wrong....???
cant understand
thanks but now error getting on

else if ( cmd == "taccept" )
local cost = status[ player.ID ].cost
local IDS = status[ player.ID ].id
if ( status[ player.ID ].waiting == false ) ePrivMessage("Error: You dont have pending request.",player)
 else if ( player.Cash.tointeger() < cost.tointeger() ) ePrivMessage("Error: You need $ [ " + cost + " ] to buy this vehicle.",player)
Here local plr = FindPlayer( status[ plr.ID ].name )
QuerySQL( db, "UPDATE Cars SET Owner='" + player.Name + "' WHERE ID='" + IDS + "'" );
ePrivMessage( "You have purchased the vehicle ID [ " + IDS + " ]", player );
DecCash( player , status[ player.ID ].cost )
ePrivMessage("You have selling vehicle ID [ " + IDS + " ]",plr)
IncCash( plr , status[ player.ID ].cost )
status[ player.ID ].cost = null
status[ player.ID ].waiting = false
status[ player.ID ].id = null
status[ player.ID ].name = null
status[ plr.ID ].t = false
i know what u feel but i want help on this topic
well work the error was on these lines

Message("[" + player.ID +"] "+ player.Name + ": " + text.tostring() + "\n");
    Message(cred+"" + player.Name + " : "+cwhite+""+ text.tostring());

when i remove them it work but thnx for help