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Messages - Mr.nobOdy

Still can't. Is anyone can't help me?
Quote from: dracc on Feb 24, 2019, 12:07 AMTry searching for "port forward" instead of "port forword" next time.

"config name" could be whatever, probably "vcmp"
"MAC" should be your servers NICs MAC-address
"Local port" and "WAN port" should both be the port number of your servers configuration.

Also, please don't create multiple threads on the exact same topic.
Where could i find NICs MAC-Address
ID   Config name   MAC   Local port   WAN port   Delete All

what should be added in CONFIG NAME coloumn and also in others!
I want to host my server and how to forword port (first see the image given below I want to forword port on that one also search on google but can't)
Purpose of posting topic that i have do more hardwork and give time to this. I hope you all like this server.JUst seing for host.
Name:  I don't think name of server still any name suggestion?
DM mode/RAce/Derby.
Forum is under construction(About 80% complete).
Custom cars.
Custom skins.
Custom places.
Many useful commands.
Auto mute system.
News system.
Spree system.
Different look from all servers.
Safe and secure account registration system.
And much more fun and it will be host soon...........................
Quote from: Mr.nobOdy on Feb 22, 2019, 03:11 PM
Quote from: Mr.nobOdy on Feb 22, 2019, 11:03 AMAnd one this more i need Tommy that he spawn in the following location and my tommy skin code is:
AddClass( 1, RGB( 102, 248, 255 ) ,169, Vector(  -378.452, -580.217, 25.2321 ), 140.021, 17, 999 ,20, 999, 26, 999 );
and here is the screenshot link where i want to spawn tommy
I want that the tommy spawn at location in screenshoot.
I want  like spawn loc system
Quote from: dracc on Feb 22, 2019, 01:01 PMIs this all the code you have?
function closederby() {
  Message( ">> Derby cancelled!" );
  derby = false;
  derbystart = false;
  derbycount = 0;
  local plr;
  for( local i=0; i <= GetMaxPlayers(); i++ ){
    plr = FindPlayer( i );
    if ( plr ) {
      if( stats[ plr.ID ].derbyplayer ) {
        stats[ plr.ID ].derbyplayer = false;
        plr.IsFrozen = false;
        plr.Pos = Vector( 496.26, -83.9443, 10.0302  );

function closerace() {
  Message( ">> Race cancelled!" );
  race = false;
  racestart = false;
  racecount = 0;
  local plr;
  for( local i=0; i <= GetMaxPlayers(); i++ ) {
    plr = FindPlayer( i );
    if ( plr ) {
      if( stats[ plr.ID ].raceplayer ) {
        stats[ plr.ID ].raceplayer = false;
        plr.IsFrozen = false;
        plr.Pos = Vector( 496.26, -83.9443, 10.0302  );
Or do you have more code somewhere that could help us solve your problem?

It sounds from your description of the problem like you already close a race if only one player is participating?
The code snippet on the other hand shows no such logic.

Also, what is wrong with your AddClass()? Is the location wrong?
YEs this the code and u can see other codes which i add:
see here other codes!
Quote from: Mr.nobOdy on Feb 22, 2019, 11:03 AMAnd one this more i need Tommy that he spawn in the following location and my tommy skin code is:
AddClass( 1, RGB( 102, 248, 255 ) ,169, Vector(  -378.452, -580.217, 25.2321 ), 140.021, 17, 999 ,20, 999, 26, 999 );
and here is the screenshot link where i want to spawn tommy
I want that the tommy spawn at location in screenshoot.
And one this more i need Tommy that he spawn in the following location and my tommy skin code is:
AddClass( 1, RGB( 102, 248, 255 ) ,169, Vector(  -378.452, -580.217, 25.2321 ), 140.021, 17, 999 ,20, 999, 26, 999 );
and here is the screenshot link where i want to spawn tommy
function closederby() {
    Message( ">> Derby cancelled!" );
    derby = false;
 derbystart = false;
    derbycount = 0;
    local plr;
     for( local i=0; i <= GetMaxPlayers(); i++ ){
      plr = FindPlayer( i );
      if ( plr )
    if( stats[ plr.ID ].derbyplayer )
                    stats[ plr.ID ].derbyplayer = false;
                    plr.IsFrozen = false;
                    plr.Pos = Vector( 496.26, -83.9443, 10.0302  );

function closerace() {
    Message( "Race cancelled!" );
    race = false;
 racestart = false;
    racecount = 0;
    local plr;
     for( local i=0; i <= GetMaxPlayers(); i++ ){
      plr = FindPlayer( i );
      if ( plr )
    if( stats[ plr.ID ].raceplayer )
                    stats[ plr.ID ].raceplayer = false;
                    plr.IsFrozen = false;
                    plr.Pos = Vector( 496.26, -83.9443, 10.0302  );


In above, it cancel derby or race when player is only 1 but i did'nt want that race or derby cancel when player is 1. It start race or derby else player is 1. So how to set it that it dose not cancel race or derby when player is 1.
And onething that my new server is almost ready and then host. It would be the one of the best server of vcmp. ;)
Quote from: DarkRaZoR^ on Feb 21, 2019, 12:47 PM
Quote from: Mr.nobOdy on Feb 17, 2019, 06:10 AM
Quote from: DarkRaZoR^ on Feb 17, 2019, 04:04 AMYou're using a 32bit PC, right?
no am using 64bit
i also do the samething on 64 bit but can't

You need to use the 64bit plugins if you're using a 64bit OS.
Quote from: DarkRaZoR^ on Feb 21, 2019, 12:50 PMThe onPlayerDeath callback is probably what you're looking for. Click here for more information.
Thanks solved!
I want that when player died it give message e.g
like this but on which function i add this
Message( ">>[#F5FFFA]"+player.Name+" [#7bb215] has[#06FA16]died." );