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Messages - Taweel

dont cry you midget
Quote from: Hanney on Aug 04, 2015, 02:05 AMYea it would be useful and its definetly not something hard to add.

I thought it was maybe possible to type /setconfig con_numoflines 0

but the minimum accepted integer is 5.

As a temporarily solution the closest thing I can reccomend is /setconfig con_fontscale 0.1

It will make the text incredibly tiny and unreadable however its still noticible that there is something there.

Though if you are really desperate to make a video right away you can download an invisible/blank font for Windows then use the chatbox ingame to set it to use the invisible font. It's a really inefficient way of doing it though and I wouldn't reccomend messing around with it unless you know where the config file is and how to change it back.

Install it then ingame in chatbox /setconfig con_fontname invisible.

Though be very careful.

/setconfig con_fontscale 0.1 was the useful one, thank you. It's better than the huge chat and can work as an alternative way. The /setconfig con_numoflines 0 isn't working yet. And I wont mess with my windows files as I'm sure that I'll mess it up. But seriously, a hotkey would be easier for many other people as well.
General Discussion / Hotkey to disable chat
Aug 03, 2015, 09:16 PM
Hi people, I'm not sure if this was suggested in past as I'm pretty new to forums and have no idea how to search and stuff so pardon me.
Anyway, the main thing I want to say is that we should have a hotkey to disable chat ingame. As videos look of a low standard with the chat. So all I'm suggesting is a hotkey/command to disable ingame chat. We already have weekly updates with different stuff like custom cars and all that stuff, something like this would be really useful.
Thank you for reading and I hope this gets implemented asap.