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Messages - EnForcer

use onplayerrequestspawn event and add the requirement of cash like:
if ( player.Cash < 250 ) return false;
else return true;
The blank script already has vehicles added to the server.
I've sent you a DM check it
I also would like to answer the last accuse of player farming that server was ddosed at night.
here's proof:
Support / Wrongfully accused and Blacklisted
Oct 26, 2021, 03:28 PM
The Ravens

1 ) Server Name: The Ravens DM Server ( )
2 ) Server Name: The Ravens Attack & Defend Server ( )

Hello everyone!
As most of you guys know that The Ravens servers are recently blocked from masterlist by Adtec. Reason given:
QuoteThe Ravens DM and AD servers have been actively co-conducting with the attackers targeting to crash servers with a goal to farm playercount on their servers in illicit ways.

Our Defend
In the beginning i would like to say that we are not with any attacker of VC-MP and the our servers are banned wrongfully. We were even trying to find the fixes of that crashes to avoid that crashes. The most important thing is that how we got 50 players and why we let P4P4 play? The reason behind letting him play is simple if we ban or kick him he crash our server instantly just and then that's why due to having players we let him play until we got any fix for that crashes and aXXo also did same he let him play in Koth.
@MEGAMIND can also tell about it
I'm hereby sending some screenshot of last night with megamind:



And some staff chat of The Ravens DM server here:


I think these screenshots are really enough to prove that we aren't with that attackers even we are trying to get a fix for this.

PL/RTV Politics

As it's not first time PL's making drama, they did it before with us as well. Since start of the CTB they were jealous from us. We had some problems and it was unexpected that these Problematic Legends were still planning against us from a long time, its not first time they are trying to ruin our reputation. At first when we started CTB they tried to ruin that by saying its their script and we stole them but that didn't worked then they accused Harold that he is with Kewun and he has hand in crashing but they got no proof. After a long time when we got a better playercount than RTV they again started defaming us. And this @NewK asked Adtec to ban server without even discussing with us ? because that MK Berkay Khan asked him to do.

here are some screenshots of Problematic Legends:

Further proofs that we aren't with Kewun, Even Kewun himself admitted that we aren't with him ( PM WITH FROST ):
[spoiler][/spoiler] As you can see he crashed Ravens A/D Server on its release ceremony and all players gone[spoiler][/spoiler]

Here you go
Untested code.

function Check(player)
for (local i = 0; i < GetMaxPlayers(); i++)
local plr = FindPlayer(i);
if ( (plr.UID == player.UID) && ( plr.ID != player.ID) )
MessagePlayer("Multi Clienting not allowed.",player); //rani hna w last pos nzid nriglha
Servers / Re: [CTB] Capture the base
Mar 25, 2021, 03:33 PM

Capture The Base aka CTB hereby announces it's first event called as CTB Champions. Pack your weapons! Gather your mates and dive into this thrilling and exasperating experience of organized matches and a tournament pool in which every team would fight to be the best!
- The matches will be played in a 5v5 format between two teams following the game-mode concept of CTB.
- Teams can participate only if their captains apply to register their teams on the team applications section of the forum.
- Tournament standings/Match fixtures will be revealed after considering the number of registered teams.
- Basic CTB rules will be applied in the championship. Failing to comply with the rules can result in a penalty.
- Referees and admins will referee the matches and their decisions are to be strictly followed. In case of a misunderstanding made by event staff, it can be later resorted on the forums or discord. Players can apply to become part of event refereeing staff.
- In case of any hacking or illegal material used to gain unfair advantage over other players will be strictly handled. Players are to make sure they are playing clean.
- Players having a hacking reputation would be disallowed from league after discussion between the staff members.

Referee applications are currently open. If you think you are suitable to organize and host matches then refer to the link below:
Click for Referee Applications!
To register a team, you need to submit an application which can be found here:
Register your team!
For more information and queries, kindly visit CTB Discord by clicking on the link below:
CTB Official Discord

Servers / [CTB] Capture the base
Feb 11, 2021, 08:26 PM

CTB - Capture the base

Server Details:
Scripter: [F2]EnForcer
Web Panel:


There are two teams (Green and Blue), You both have to defend your base and capture base of opponent to win the game.
Quote from: habi on Sep 19, 2020, 04:44 PMlink not working.

Topic Updated Added Codes here.

Quote from: habi on Sep 19, 2020, 04:44 PMimagine player going to some place and press some button. A simple menu appears. It has images of each skin......
I can make as well as i already made a topic before here's link:

if you need more beautiful or any Help so you can dm me on discord.
here's my discord ID: iNForSir#7490

Quote from: habi on Sep 19, 2020, 04:44 PMI recently found that if player.Team=255 for two players and if one player shoots another, the health of the second player will be reduced. So team id 255 is 'no team'.
team 255 = Free Team
Free team = Can kill each other
Quote from: Shy on Sep 19, 2020, 11:35 AM1: What does this basically does( I understand but noobs won't)? We can also add the same sentence in ScriptLoad rather than database. So elaborate more what's the ease of it rather than putting in onScriptLoad( for noobs).
Its easy to use instead of getting axis of player pos/angle pos then copy paste it in scripts.

Quote from: Shy on Sep 19, 2020, 11:35 AM2: You have added stats[ player.ID ].Level, so if someone directly copy pastes the script so he/she will get errors about it. ( ex blank vcmp server ) so better remove it.
I will remove it
Quote from: Shy on Sep 19, 2020, 11:35 AM3: You haven't provided the requires function which you used ( GetTok ) so if someone directly copy pastes, he'll get the GetTok index error.
Well these Gettoks are common things so i didn't added.
In Game addclass via cmd with Database
Credits: EnForcer

Commands: /addclass <Team ID> <R> <G> <B> <Skin ID>

Extra Note: If you encounter any bug, inform me here or on discord my ID : iNForSir#7490

Paste it in onscriptload
db <- ConnectSQL( "Classes.db" );

Function to Loadclass
function LoadClass()
local q = QuerySQL( db, "SELECT * FROM Creation" ), i = 0;
while( GetSQLColumnData( q, 0 ) )
Team= GetSQLColumnData( q, 0 ),
Skin= GetSQLColumnData( q, 1 ),
X= GetSQLColumnData( q, 2 ),
Y= GetSQLColumnData( q, 3 ),
Z= GetSQLColumnData( q, 4 ),
R= GetSQLColumnData( q, 5 ),
G= GetSQLColumnData( q, 6 ),
B= GetSQLColumnData( q, 7 ),
Angle= GetSQLColumnData( q, 8 );
AddClass( Team, RGB( R,G,B ), Skin, Vector( X,Y,Z ), Angle, 21, 999 ,1, 1, 25, 255 );
GetSQLNextRow( q );
print("Class Count ("+i+")");
return 0;

Paste it in onplayercommand

else if (cmd=="addclass")
if ( !player.IsSpawned ) MessagePlayer( "[#ff0000][Error] - [#ffffff]You need be spawned to use this command.", player );
else if( !text ) MessagePlayer( "[#ff0000][Error] - [#ffffff]Use /"+cmd+" <Team ID> <R> <G> <B> <Skin ID>.", player);
else {
local TeamID = GetTok( text, " ", 1 );
local R = GetTok( text, " ", 2 );
local G = GetTok( text, " ", 3 );
local B = GetTok( text, " ", 4 );
local SkinID = GetTok( text, " ", 5 );
if (!IsNum(TeamID)) MessagePlayer( "[#ff0000][Error] - [#ffffff]Use /"+cmd+" <Team ID> <R> <G> <B> <Skin ID>.", player);
else if ( !IsNum(R)) MessagePlayer( "[#ff0000][Error] - [#ffffff]Use /"+cmd+" <Team ID> <R> <G> <B> <Skin ID>.", player);
else if ( !IsNum(G)) MessagePlayer( "[#ff0000][Error] - [#ffffff]Use /"+cmd+" <Team ID> <R> <G> <B> <Skin ID>.", player);
else if ( !IsNum(B)) MessagePlayer( "[#ff0000][Error] - [#ffffff]Use /"+cmd+" <Team ID> <R> <G> <B> <Skin ID>.", player);
else if ( !IsNum(SkinID)) MessagePlayer( "[#ff0000][Error] - [#ffffff]Use /"+cmd+" <Team ID> <R> <G> <B> <Skin ID>.", player);
else if ( ( !TeamID ) || ( !R ) || (!G ) || ( !B ) || ( !SkinID ) ) MessagePlayer( "[#ff0000][Error] - [#ffffff]Use /"+cmd+" <Veh/ID> <Col1/ID> <Col2/ID> <World> <Price>.", player);
else {
QuerySQL( db, "INSERT INTO Creation ( Team, Skin, R, G, B, X, Y, Z, Angle ) VALUES ( '"+TeamID+"', '"+SkinID+"', '"+R+"', '"+G+"', '"+B+"', '"+player.Pos.x+"', '"+player.Pos.y+"', '"+player.Pos.z+"', '"+player.Angle+"' )" );
AddClass( TeamID.tointeger(), RGB( R.tointeger(), G.tointeger(), B.tointeger() ) ,SkinID.tointeger(), player.Pos, player.Angle, 22, 999 ,17, 100, 21, 245 );
Message( "[#FFFFFF]Admin [#FF0000]"+player.Name+" [#FFFFFF]Has added a new Class." );
return 0;

else if ( cmd == "removeclass" )
if ( !text ) MessagePlayer( "[#ff0000][Error] - [#ffffff]Use /"+cmd+" <Skin ID>.", player);
else if (!IsNum(text)) MessagePlayer( "[#ff0000][Error] - [#ffffff]Skin ID must be in numbers.", player);
else {   
local q = QuerySQL( db, "SELECT * FROM Creation WHERE Skin='"+text+"'" );
if ( !q ) MessagePlayer( "[#ff0000][Error] - [#ffffff]Skin ID "+text+" not found in class.", player );
else {
QuerySQL( db, "DELETE FROM Creation WHERE Skin='"+text+"'" );
Message( "[#FFFFFF]Admin [#FF0000]"+player.Name+" [#FFFFFF]Has removed Class." );
return 0;
Servers / Re: [0.4] Arbiter's Official Server
Aug 26, 2020, 08:50 AM
Quote from: DarkRaZoR^ on Aug 25, 2020, 09:21 PMI heard rumors that this server leaks account passwords from their echo.
We even dont have echo nor we check anyone's password
btw Who said you?
Servers / [0.4] Arbiter's Official Server
Aug 24, 2020, 05:27 PM
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Server Information: <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
Server Name: [0.4] Arbiter's Official Server
Server IP:
Players Slots: 50
Gamemode: Dm / FreeRoam
Scripter & Developer: EnForcer.
Discord: Click here!
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Server Features: <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
- Custom Vehicles
- Clan System
- Manual Eventing System
- Auto Event System
- /Parkour
- /carzone ( Freeroam )
- Team Deathmatch ( Red vs Blue)
- New Time Cycle
- Title System
- Ranking System
- RTV Minigame ( Under Construction )
Community Plugins / Re: simple announce
Aug 15, 2020, 01:26 PM