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Messages - KadirYigit

Support / Sources
Mar 14, 2022, 05:29 PM
We are working on a project. Vice City & Liberty City map will be exists on same server. But for that we had to expand boundaries. But
'SetWorldBounds' is works for only decrasing. We can not increase boundraies so we opened two server with different ports and we decided to send player with player.Redirect.

  But problem is player had to type ''/allowredirect'' all the time and we do not want or accept that. We need sources of server64.exe. Okay I get it you guys do not want to share it. Its fine all yours but at least edit that command. And also we know that probably game will not allow boundaries more than 5000. Its not about mp its about vc. There are mods to fix that. But we even can not play vcmp with edited game. We do not want script this game with your ways. If you do not want share sources at least a little help please.
If you think you can help or something or if you are a developer please contact me at:
KadirYigit#1919 ( discord ) @AdTec_224
Off-Topic General / Re: Stormeus Look Here
Sep 20, 2020, 09:06 PM
Quote from: Athanatos on Sep 01, 2020, 10:19 PMSeriously? By your post history, you seem to be the generic VC:MP script kiddie.

About yout post: First of all, you should provide details. Don't ask to ask, just ask.
You may read this:

TL:DR: Your post can be interpeted as:
I found a exploit that I'm too lazy to even explain and too lazy to prove that it exists.
Second of all, VC:MP itself is full of explots, memory leaks, bugs - you name it.

Finally, VC:MP devs are inactive, God knows what they're up to.
Some respect ?
Hello,there is only one bug. I tried to find deleted objects lod file but i failed. Im already trying. I telling that because someone can find the lod ID so i can fix this bug. You can see bug on the video. Also you can see the map. It looks great.

and please if you can help me for this bug contact me from Discord;  Kadir Yiğit#3903



[spoiler]    HideMapObject( 3830, 114.909, -366.16, 7.63067 );   
    HideMapObject( 3908, 114.909, -366.16, 7.631 );   
    HideMapObject( 3812, 172.94, -364.649, 9.54751 );   
    HideMapObject( 3811, 110.507, -366.417, 6.88352 );   
    HideMapObject( 3829, 168.397, -396.443, 11.2326 );   
    HideMapObject( 3829, 168.397, -396.443, 11.2326 );   
    HideMapObject( 3821, 110.507, -366.417, 6.88352 );   
    HideMapObject( 3810, 152.06, -307.15, 15.171 );   


Thanks everyone
Script Showroom / Better Vehicle Explosions
Jul 18, 2020, 02:13 AM
I tried make a script that improves explosions of cars. Im a new scripter so this can be improved by community.




--This script uses classes.--

 class PlayerStats
  patlama = false;

 function onVehicleExplode( vehicle )
   CreateExplosion( vehicle.World, 1, vehicle.Pos, -1, true )
   local i =0;
   local nearplr;
   local distance;
   for( i=0;i<100;i++)
          distance = DistanceFromPoint( nearplr.Pos.x, nearplr.Pos.y, vehicle.Pos.x, vehicle.Pos.y );
          if( distance < 16 )
               Player.CanAttack = false;
               stats[nearplr.ID].patlama = true;
               NewTimer("kamerapatlama", 1300, 1, nearplr.ID);
               nearplr.SetDrunkLevel( 100, 100 );
            if (!distance)
          return false;

  function kamerapatlama( player )
   player = FindPlayer( player );
  if ( player )
  stats[ player.ID ].patlama = false;
  Player.CanAttack = true;
  player.SetDrunkLevel( 0, 0 );

Working perfect. Good job Sonmez.
Off-Topic General / Re: Need Scripter.
Jul 14, 2020, 11:41 AM
Quote from: Xmair on Jul 14, 2020, 06:21 AM
Quote from: KadirYigit on Jul 13, 2020, 08:56 PMMessagePlayer("[#ffffff]>INFO: REMEMBER! You will not earn nothing. maybe God's respect. Dont forget,God's Respect is everything you need...   ",player);

You heard right. Just think about it if you helping some person and that person needs help. Maybe you will not earn money but God will see you. If you believe in god. In Quran,there is a lot of verses about that. If you read. I thought you are from Pakistan.

Quote from: Xmair on Jul 14, 2020, 06:21 AM
Quote from: KadirYigit on Jul 13, 2020, 08:56 PMMessagePlayer("[#ffffff]>INFO: REMEMBER! You will not earn nothing. maybe God's respect. Dont forget,God's Respect is everything you need...   ",player);
You heard right. Just think about it if you helping some person and that person needs help. Maybe you will not earn money but God will see you. If you believe in god. In Quran,there is a lot of verses about that. If you read. I thought you are from Pakistan.

Off-Topic General / Need Scripter.
Jul 13, 2020, 08:56 PM
class PlayerStats
scripter = false;

function onplayercommand ( player )
if ( cmd = "icanbescripter" )
MessagePlayer("[#ffffff]>INFO: There is no a hosted server for *now* first i need to script it. Yes i will script it i just need a person that always answer my questions about scripting and sometimes fixing the scripts or doing it byself. ",player);

MessagePlayer("[#ffffff]>INFO : There is no award or something. Im a new scripter so i need a person that i can ask for bug&crash help 7/24. If you want cash,host or something else please use /q If you sure you can answer my questions about scripts and you can be able to fix it please use /accept",player);

if ( cmd == "accept" )
stats[player.ID].scripter = true;
MessagePlayer("[#ffffff]>INFO: Thanks ! Now add me on discord: Kadir Yiğit#3903 so we can contact. ",player);
MessagePlayer("[#ffffff]>INFO: REMEMBER! You will not earn nothing. maybe God's respect. Dont forget,God's Respect is everything you need...   ",player);

[spoiler] create_actor( "Barmen", 65, 466.788, -54.2886, 11.4837, 2.3 );
create_actor( "Jale", 22, 475.09, -66.3728, 9.98375, 2.3 );
create_actor( "Asli", 24, 474.805, -64.6814, 9.98375, 3.1 );
create_actor( "Mehmet", 33, 480.05, -63.8481, 9.98375, 2.1 );
create_actor( "Taksici_1", 28, 480.05, -63.8481, 9.98375, 2.1 );[/spoiler]
Off-Topic General / Re: Script Help
Jun 24, 2020, 05:55 AM
Thank you all ! Its worked.
Off-Topic General / Script Help
Jun 22, 2020, 11:05 PM
Hello,im a new scripter. Im trying to make a command that using two "text.tointeger();". But probably i have to prove this a lot... So im here.

[spoiler]     if ( cmd == "sms" )
   if(!text)          MessagePlayer("[#008cff][Turkcell]:[#ffffff]Mesaj gonderilmedi. /sms isim mesaj", player );
         local params = split( text ), plr = FindPlayer( params[0] ), reason = text.tointeger();
          MessagePlayer("[#008cff][Turkcell]:[#ffffff]" + player.Name + "nin mesaji:" + reason+".", plr );
          MessagePlayer("[#008cff][Turkcell]:[#ffffff]Mesajiniz iletildi:" + reason+".", player );
                         PlaySoundForPlayer(player, 50032);
                         PlaySoundForPlayer(plr, 50032);

I just need command like : /sms nickname text

First blank is for Nick,Second for message. Example

/sms yankee stalker misin ?

Off-Topic General / Re: Banned Server.
Jun 12, 2020, 06:42 PM
Hmm,they all said "Send us a working IP adres this server says ' waiting for server data ' "  maybe they really dont know how to join

I thought i was banned. Thanks for trying my IP adress sir...
Off-Topic General / Banned Server.
Jun 11, 2020, 08:28 PM
Probably my server is banned,Server host from Turkey. Just Turkish player can connects.I have a friend(he is from Azerbaijan) he cant join us. My Pakistani friends too... Its too sad.

I did see some topics about me,they was all about lies. Yes i used some servers files but before i using them,i asked for use... They allowed me so who can stop me ? I want to make my server global. I did not do anything wrong.