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Messages - TheMallard

I don't speak Noobish and Kakanasslickish.
Thank you very much! Topic closed.
I was just talking about chat in general: is it possible to prevent chat messages from dissappearing and can VCMP developers add a feature to disable it.
Yeah, I know about these features. But I want to use the Unicode support plugin, but there is no fonts for Russian, Chinese (ha-ha, Chinese font for Vice City) and other languages, so I think that only chat will be supported by this plugin.
Hello everyone!
Is this possible to prevent chat messages from disappearing?
Can you create a setting for this?
This is really annoying, because there is no dialogs in VCMP, so the chat is the only method for information to stay at the screen for a long time, but since messages are disappearing, this is impossible.
The name of the topic is self-explanatory.
Credits to SA-MP Team for roleplay style chat module.
Credits to Shadow for player loop method

playerIterator <- [];

function onPlayerJoin(player)

function onPlayerPart(player, reason)

function onPlayerChat(player, text)
LocalMessage(player.Pos, 30.0, player.Name + " said: " + text, 255, 255, 255);
return 0;

function onPlayerCommand(player, cmd, text)
if(cmd == "me")
if(!text) return ClientMessage("SYNTAX: /me <action>", player, 255, 255, 255);
return LocalMessage(player.Pos, 30.0, "* " + player.Name + " " + text, 194, 162, 218);
if(cmd == "do")
if(!text) return ClientMessage("SYNTAX: /do <action>", player, 255, 255, 255);
return LocalMessage(player.Pos, 30.0, "* " + text + " (" + player.Name + ")", 70, 130, 180);
if(cmd == "b")
if(!text) return ClientMessage("SYNTAX: /b <text>", player, 255, 255, 255);
return LocalMessage(player.Pos, 30.0, "* (( " + player.Name + ": " + text + " ))", 255, 255, 255);
return ClientMessage("SERVER: Unknown command.", player, 255, 255, 255);

function GetPointDistanceToPoint(x1, y1, z1, x2, y2, z2)
return Vector(x1-x2, y1-y2, z1-z2).Length();

function LocalMessage(point, distance, message, R, G, B)
foreach(playerid, val in playerIterator)
if(GetPointDistanceToPoint(FindPlayer(playerid).Pos.x, FindPlayer(playerid).Pos.y, FindPlayer(playerid).Pos.z, point.x, point.y, point.z) < distance)
ClientMessage(message, FindPlayer(playerid), R, G, B);
My function works properly.

Class Vector has a method, called "Length()"
I've created a small function, and I don't know, it works properly or not.
Is this the right code?
function getPointDistanceToPoint(x1, y1, z1, x2, y2, z2)
return Vector(x1-x2, y1-y2, z1-z2).Length();
It will be great, if you will continue developing this plugin!