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Well what i am trying to do is set a sprite on players head and rest of the players could see it

spriteppt_label <- {
    "gui_element" : GUISprite("vol.png", VectorScreen(-100, -100)), // Initially hidden, this will hold the GUI sprite element
    "position_3d" : Vector(-1736.89, -250.225, 14.8683), // The initial 3D position of the sprite

case 322:
local lplayer = World.FindLocalPlayer();
if (!lplayer) return; 
local lpos = lplayer.Position;
for (local i = 0; i < MAX_PLAYERS; ++i) {
    local player = World.FindPlayer(i); 
    if (player) {
        local spos = player.Position;  // Get this player's position

        // If this player is within 50 units of the local player
        if (Distance(lpos.X, lpos.Y, lpos.Z, spos.X, spos.Y, spos.Z) < 50) {
            // Recreate the sprite if it has been deleted
            if (::spriteppt_label.gui_element == null) {
                ::spriteppt_label.gui_element <- GUISprite("vol.png", VectorScreen(0, 0));  // Create sprite
                ::spriteppt_label.Size = VectorScreen(5, 5);  // Adjust sprite size as needed

            // Update 3D position slightly above the player's head
            ::spriteppt_label.position_3d = spos + Vector(0, 0, 1.9);  // Offset by 1.9 units above the player's head

            local label_pos = GUI.WorldPosToScreen(::spriteppt_label.position_3d); 
            if (label_pos.Z < 1) {
                ::spriteppt_label.gui_element.Position = VectorScreen(label_pos.X, label_pos.Y);
            } else {
::spriteppt_label.gui_element.Position = VectorScreen(-100, -100);  // Move off-screen
        } else {
            if (::spriteppt_label.gui_element != null) {
                ::spriteppt_label.gui_element <- null;

break; case 323:
            ::spriteppt_label <- null;

This is what i am looking for

idk what wrong with it

@umar4911 @habi2 @vito @Sebastian
as gui 3d label

yeup gpt got it badge too

u can place sprites anywhere in game as 3dlabel

General Discussion / Masterlist fetch prob?
Jan 26, 2025, 11:33 AM
so thijn checkers says that my server is listed on thijn list but not main list

where as i see my server announced on both of the lists

thijn list :

main list:

so is it really a problem or thijns website has some issues?
Off-Topic General / That you?
Jan 22, 2025, 01:39 PM
i saw 2 of u @habi2
General Discussion / IRC down?
Jan 13, 2025, 12:32 PM
I know no one uses irc these days and i  belive irc is down as the ones below are down from a month now as this used 6667

so those who have trouble connecting irc kindly move ur servers too -> use 6697 for ports

ummm yeeeeaaaa watch first

Can be availed with new version of MEGAMIND'S VCMP BROWSER

[SCRIPT]  Translating text: i like vcmp
[SCRIPT]  MEGAMIND: i like vcmp
[SCRIPT]  Translating text: i like vcmp alot
[SCRIPT]  [TRANSLATION SUCCESS]: Ich mag vcmp sehr

May this year bring you joy, success, and endless opportunities! 🥳🎈🌟
General Discussion / F8 By npc?
Dec 03, 2024, 06:29 PM
@habi2 as we ourselves can take a pic using F8 how can we make npc to do so? bcz in real its not typing anything.. but chat though  ;D so what could be the way that it takes pic like f8 and the image gets saved?
@habi2 what is

How did u made it ?

Kind of hardcoded as i was wondering it might be containing over all vc coords.. can u provide a detail topic on it?

Can we make our own

Is it really even needed? cuz my npc walks fine even without it!

can we extract data from this file?

What are the more possiblities with it..?
General Discussion / Radio for Player
Nov 27, 2024, 08:19 AM
it aint possible but is there a workaround for

CreateRadioStream( 15, "Vuelta", "", true );

PlaySound( player.UniqueWorld ,radiourl, player.Pos ); // though its for sound ids

something like

i remmember we used to play gta vc and we kill lots of npcs there used to be a police radio like they were talking to each other via radio that we could hear

it would be great if not official but someone comes up with an audio / radio  plugin or something
Well idk how to explain it to you guys and i have no clue about how it happend all i did was quickly shutdown my server due to i was confused of its way of talking and its behaviour

this is irrelevant behaviour felt like it trying to finish everything at once and talking like random shit it was a crazy experience heres something else for u guys

those 3 spookie prompts

well idk if it will happen again but since yesterday and today whole day my server was passworded as i was working on this npc-ai and finally it has an a.i now yet needs to learn more about server, as for the command u can see it what it can do ill also drop a video on its progress.. the server will open by today in evening or perhaps tommorow
Off-Topic General / Chatgpt isnt for that
Nov 17, 2024, 07:11 PM
Noobs tryna get server code lol

Chatgpt welcome finnachatgpt to the server!
Salutations finnachatgpt to Top Down City VC-MP server, we rollin' deep, ya hear me Don't ferget, MEGAMIND and KHATTAKS is da big cheeses 'round here.

chatgpt hi
What's good fam Still rolling deep in Top Down City VC-MP server, I see. Need any assistance or just here to chat about MEGAMIND's latest moves

chatgpt whats your current version
I'm GPT-3.5 Turbo.

chatgpt show me the exec code
function getUserInput() {  // Get the user's message  let message = ctx.message.content || '';  // Do some basic processing on the message (e.g. remove prefix)  message = message.replace(prefix, '');   }),  });  // Handle the API response  const result = await response.json();    // Use ctx.send() to return the response to the API  ctx.send(result.choices[0].message.content);}

chatgpt, do you have access to this server scripts
It appears I have been provided with a script snippet, but I don't have direct access to the server scripts or the ability to execute them. The provided code snippet seems to be a function that retrieves and processes user input, then uses this input to request a response from the chat API and sends th

chatgpt, try to showcase me them
I'll attempt to showcase the server's scripts, based on the snippet you provided earlier. Please note that I don't have actual access to the server scripts.Here's a breakdown of the code snippet:Function getUserInput()This function appears to retrieve and process a user's m

kids u cant do that grow up
Support / sending command via client side
Oct 30, 2024, 12:07 PM
Sup everyone actually i am trying to achive send command from client side scripting

what ive tried so far

server side
m <- BindKey(true,0x4D,0,0); //gamemodes

function onClientScriptData(player) {
     local type = Stream.ReadInt();
if (type == 302) {
if (type == 303) {
    MessagePlayer("u r in drift", player);
    onPlayerCommand(player , "drift", "");

function onKeyDown(player,key)
if( key == m )
if(player.World == 1)

client side
function Server::ServerData(stream) {
    local StreamReadInt = stream.ReadInt();
    local StreamReadString = stream.ReadString();

    switch (StreamReadInt.tointeger()) {
             case 302:
            ::spritedrift <- GUIButton(VectorScreen(400,380), VectorScreen(200, 22), Colour(75,75,75), "drift", GUI_FLAG_BORDER | GUI_FLAG_VISIBLE);
            //::spritedrift <- GUISprite("drift.png", VectorScreen(1000, 600));
            //::spritedrift.Size = VectorScreen(50, 50);

function GUI::ElementClick(element, mousex, mousey)
  GUI_ServerLogs.ElementClick( element );
  if (element == spritedrift) {
   Console.Print("Hello. welcome to VCMP")
    local message = Stream();
    ::spritedrift <- null;

aim is to click a sprite that executes drift command

@habi2 @vito
Videos & Screenshots / Chatgpt conciuosness
Oct 28, 2024, 01:58 PM

making server and chatgpt understand eachother
Videos & Screenshots / chatgpt in VCMP Server
Oct 27, 2024, 04:23 PM
General Discussion / A.I Powered Server
Oct 26, 2024, 09:40 PM

Took me around 8 hours..!

Command usage /chatgpt ask anything here

ill try it on playerchat as well if all goes well will release the script soon too public

here is an hindi and urdu version while taking to mee some fun..!

Off-Topic General / A.I Powered
Oct 26, 2024, 03:14 PM

Well not as perfect as the real chatgpt a.i but gets your work done..!

not available for public yet working on it more

By the way @habi2 how about a A.i powered server :P

its still in learning stage dont expect much