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Topics - lambada7

What should be the size of the image?



What should be the name of the image and what type of recording should it be?


Name( .png , .jpg .tga ) ??

Finally how do I switch to Main.nut?


function onPlayerJoin( player )
CreateMarker(player.UniqueWorld, Vector( -1734, -715, 5.8680 ), 5, RGB(0, 0, 0), 26 );
     return 1;

CreateMarker( world, pos, scale, color, SpriteId )

int world - The world ID
Vector pos - The position of the marker to be created
int scale - The marker's size
cRGB color - The marker's color
int SpriteId - The ID of custom map icon

Where will he be thrown? the mapicons
to the file? Or the Sprites file?

I mean how do we do????