Code Select
if ( cmd == "setpass" || cmd == "newpassword" )
if ( !text ) MessagePlayer( " /"+ cmd +" <plr> <pass>", player );
local plr = GetPlayer( GetTok( text, " ", 1 ) );
if ( !plr ) ::MessagePlayer( "Unknown Player.", player );
local pass = GetTok( text, " ", 2);
if ( !pass ) ::MessagePlayer( cmd + " <plr> <pass>", player );
local password = SHA256( pass );
QuerySQL( db, "UPDATE Accounts SET Password='" + password + "' WHERE Name='" + plr.Name + "'" );
::MessagePlayer( "You changed " + plr.Name + " password to: " + pass, player );
::MessagePlayer( "[#FFD700]** [ADMIN][#9400D3] " + player.Name + "[#FFFFFF] change ur password: " + pass, plr );
return 0;
something is wrong when i changed someone password /login don't read sha256 passwords this is what i have on login command
Code Select
if ( SHA256(text) != GetPass( player ) ) return ::MessagePlayer( "Wrong password. [" + pstatus[ player.ID ].Warnlogg + "/3]", player );
the current account with yellow is how my setpass do sha256 password and the other are when players use /register + password