Help me .

Started by MD619, Jul 04, 2015, 03:05 PM

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Keep trying, I usually get that error around 5 times before it actually succeeds to update


Grand Hunting Project
Join #SLC, #KAKAN, #Doom, #GHP @LUnet

Retired VC:MP Player/Scripter :P

Sundram Kumar

Maybe your internet connection is not fast.
Thanks & Regards,
Sundram Kumar


Changed vcmp folder name to 04rel002 still it was not working so i restarted laptop after that it worked :D .


Hey help me again there are 2 types of server .
Some servers are 04rel002 and some servers are 04rel003 .what do i do .

And when i am changing the vice city multiplayer folder name to 04rel002 from  /:c user, username, appdata , local . it still wont to work.


dude 04rel003 is a new version and others are old that is difference


Ok but what to do now :/


Just retry once more ... it happened to me too.
All I did was rejoining the server.


Was having the same issue, here is what you can do.

Go to your VCMP installed directory, Delete all the folders except 04rel002 and browser.

Open VCMP joina server having version 04rel003, wait for it to download, when it says failed to rename installation, close that and vcmp.

Get back to VCMP folder and delete the 04rel002 folder, there should be another folder with a random name For Example: '5ejs7ajk9', right click on that folder and rename it to 04rel003, now open VCMP and you can join the server.


Thanks Doom's way and Ka Murdock's Way works really Thanks  alot .