
Started by KAKAN, Jul 25, 2015, 10:41 AM

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I want to spawn a vehicle, how can I?
for ex
else if ( cmd == "cbike" )
CreateVehicle( 6401, player.World, player.Pos, 0, 12, 13 )

Now tell me how can I spawn the vehicle, the code given there isn't working, I have tried with default vehicles too, nothing works
Can anyone tell me how to spawn a vehicle
oh no


The vehicle IDs Start from 130 to 236, So I suppose its not working due to an invalid ID.


Quote from: Doom_Killer on Jul 25, 2015, 11:07 AMThe vehicle IDs Start from 130 to 236, So I suppose its not working due to an invalid ID.

Thats the custom vehice

@KAKAN try

else if ( cmd == "cbike" )
CreateVehicle( 6401, player.World, Vector(player.Pos.x, player.Pos.y, player.Pos.z), 0, 12, 13 );

Grand Hunting Project
Join #SLC, #KAKAN, #Doom, #GHP @LUnet

Retired VC:MP Player/Scripter :P


Oh my god thanks man, it worked!
I have spawnveh cmd, but it works only if I type the ID, anyways thanks again
oh no