about scripting base

Started by SoFahim, Aug 02, 2015, 10:39 AM

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Hi my fellas'

I want to ask that does Squirrel script for any Multiplayer gaming are same ? Not about skin , Object  or other Includes =.
I mean the function , Command processing . Like I know this command system.

registercommand( "freeze ",
function  ( player , params )

blah blah blah
return true;

But in VCMP

function onPlayerCommand( player, cmd, text )
   cmd = cmd.tolower();
   if ( cmd == "register" )

Is there any system to convert other non VCMP script to VCMP ?

And function

function onPlayerSpawn ( playerid )
    return true;

in  VCMP

function onPlayerSpawn( player )

The reason I have left VC-MP is scripting base + the gameplay.
VC-MP 0.4 released with lots of awesome things but they put pawn behind.


You'll have to convert it yourself, i'm afraid.


Quote from: Thijn on Aug 02, 2015, 10:42 AMYou'll have to convert it yourself, i'm afraid.
I can anytime convert. thanks. But one more thing. how i can convert Plugin ( no idea, thats why asking )

Best program to work with Squirrel scripting?

Like for pawn script, I use Pawno

The reason I have left VC-MP is scripting base + the gameplay.
VC-MP 0.4 released with lots of awesome things but they put pawn behind.


I use Sublime Text 2, but it's just a matter of taste. You don't need to compile squirrel, so even notepad will do.


Best use squirrel editor or notepad++
oh no