Some Directions would be Liked

Started by Mötley, Mar 04, 2016, 03:57 PM

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Quote from: Doom_Kill3R on Mar 05, 2016, 07:07 AMDon't use INIs Motley. The official INI plugin is totally screwed up and has alot of deficiencies. Just don't use it. For instance the way it stores data is totally messed up. Your data might be corrupted if it involves brackets.

Use either SQLite for lower purposes and MySQL if you need a higher priority.
And you say that the MySQL plugin is totally fine? I'm facing a lot of problems with it sometimes.
You're kinda new, you should stick to SQLite. You'll face problem if you switch to MySQL without knowing it.
oh no


Quote from: Doom_Kill3R on Mar 05, 2016, 07:07 AMDon't use INIs Motley. The official INI plugin is totally screwed up and has alot of deficiencies. Just don't use it. For instance the way it stores data is totally messed up. Your data might be corrupted if it involves brackets.

Use either SQLite for lower purposes and MySQL if you need a higher priority.

Only issue is my scripting where it stands can't handle the concept due to I don't have a understanding of it
( what i have seen i fully discourage).
I only know how to script normaly.

Was this module tested by the owner before releasing?

I would like to bug test yet stress test that module. as scripting can improve these types of issues.

If i can not get this to work out
(as nothing else has) I'll find another project else's where as my scripting capabilities keep getting limited every few posts.

There is always issues for me every turn I make. no offense...

also no offense I Refuse to not use SQLite, MySQL. 

I just wanted to build a server/System/base script.

something i can call mine( unique )

This is just depressing. what's next :/


@KAKAN, MySQL plugin is totally fine unless you don't bitch with it. The only thing it lacks is that it doesn't throw errors on query errors which you have to do manually.


Quote from: Doom_Kill3R on Mar 05, 2016, 08:32 AM@KAKAN, MySQL plugin is totally fine unless you don't bitch with it. The only thing it lacks is that it doesn't throw errors on query errors which you have to do manually.
Try mysql_fetch_lengths
If it works, tell me the query you did
oh no


The code I posted saves data to a players name. Example: you register, when you register you will have what is considered an account. The file will save as your username. Giving you separate data from others. And with a timer I could have the data save one line at a time allowing the save file to save correctly. as well as weapon ammo to stay updated/saved every 5 minutes.

I am going to continue to work on my account system/base script. but i need that module as i can not find it

[The code again]

ReadIniInteger( "Data/" + player.Name + ".ini", "Account", "Level" );