Chat auto scroll

Started by Mex, Mar 16, 2018, 02:53 AM

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Hey there

It's been some years since I've played VCMP in depth, it looks great these days I played it earlier today.

The only 1 problem I can see is the automatic scrolling in the chatbox of text lines.
Would it be possible to disable this please? Or to make it a client or server setting?
Because when I'm on 2 pcs I feel very rushed to keep looking at the PC where VCMP is on, to make sure I don't miss any chat messages.

Would be super kool if this could be fixed.
I know one other guy that would like this fixed too who is a very loyal player of VCMP.

So @ the vcmp devs, whats your opinion of this?




yeah someone told me this command works: /setconfig con_disappear 0
and it does work.
super kool.
sorry about that.