Movie Maker/Recorder

Started by GangstaRas, Jun 14, 2015, 02:01 PM

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I have a strange idea with this one, in fact maybe it's not even practical but it's worth gathering some opinions. Do you guys think it's possible to make like a movie mode where a client to the server could capture something based on pretty much how replays work (tracking user input and the IDs of cars and skin classes of everything around him) and whatever we record we could either spit this file back to the user or let the server also store a copy since files of these nature should be very small.

The other thing is implementing something similar to what GTA5 (but by no means on the same level), making the mode sort of like a separate world for participants with camera control for the Editor. I may be misguided here but I read something about the world settings that if you set it to a particular number it influences what is visible to everyone versus what is visible to a common group versus what is visible to an individual only. Is that correct? Would be great for pulling off something like this as well as other multimode events for servers without being disturbed from the things around them.


This has actually been a side project of mine for a while now (for months). It's in the works, it's just not a priority. I wouldn't put people viewing a replay in a different world, though, I would have them disconnected from the server entirely before editing.