
Started by KAKAN, Aug 15, 2015, 10:15 AM

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  if ( cmd == "changepass" )
if (!text) PrivMessage( player, "Correct syntax: /changepass <new password>" );
QuerySQL( sqliteDB, "UPDATE hujia SET hujiaPassword='" + ::SHA256( text.tolower() ) + "' WHERE Name='" + player.Name + "' AND NameLower='" + player.Name.tolower() + "'" );   
MessagePlayer("You have successfully changed your password to " + text, player );

I get the message that i have successfully changed my password, but it didn't get changed
oh no


Firstly, Why do you use :: for SHA256? There's no need of using it.
Secondly, Why do you insert the password as .tolower() form?

Try using the following command. it should be working fine.
  if ( cmd == "changepass" )
if (!text) PrivMessage( player, "Correct syntax: /changepass <new password>" );
QuerySQL( sqliteDB, "UPDATE hujia SET hujiaPassword='" + SHA256( text ) + "' WHERE Name='" + player.Name + "'" );   
MessagePlayer("You have successfully changed your password to " + text, player );