is its ok

Started by :P, Sep 19, 2015, 08:51 AM

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fas_v3_sqlite.nut thats doesnt exists anywhere itf
SLC is a good scripter but he always use bad words for abusing players :P


then where is register function ? paste it
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function Register( player, password, dbGlobal ){
::QuerySQL( dbGlobal, "INSERT INTO Accounts VALUES('" + player.Name + "', '" + player.Name.tolower() + "', '" + ::SHA256( password ) + "', 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, '" + player.IP + "')" );
::QuerySQL( dbGlobal, "INSERT INTO LMS VALUES('" + player.Name.tolower() + "', 0, 0, 0)" );
Level = 1;
LastUsedIP = player.IP;
Logged = true;
player.Cash += 2000;
::MessagePlayer( "Successfully registered.", player );
::MessagePlayer( "Don't forget your password. [" + password + "]", player );
SLC is a good scripter but he always use bad words for abusing players :P


post Login and consturctor functions
For any help and support Join #s-s at IRC for Help in Scripting
( For Newbies )


LOL, nothing to worry add a ';' after LoadCars() :P
oh no


@KAKAN       when i add this saying does not exists PlayerStats
stats[player.ID] = PlayerStats(); @Kusanagi
SLC is a good scripter but he always use bad words for abusing players :P


Post your array and the playerstats
If u don't tell for what you are going to use, we too can't do anything
oh no


atlast kusnagi system sucessfull added topic locked
SLC is a good scripter but he always use bad words for abusing players :P