
Started by Pietersen, Mar 10, 2015, 04:12 PM

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Shit What is problem i Add the smuggle system of 0.3 and it give me error on this line
 NewTimer( "open", 120000, 0 );   

The error is given timer back does not exist

This is function

function open()
ClientMessageToAll( "Cargo is ready, it will be moved to another city in a minute.",255,255,0);
ClientMessageToAll( "Hurry and steal it from docks and sell it to any wepons shop you only have 1 min.",255,255,0);
NewTimer( "close", 60000, 1 );



To keep this forum clean I've removed all insulting messages. While I know why we're frustrated about Pietersen / Psycho_KIller we should keep calm and try to ignore topics that don't follow the rules.

Locked. Pietersen, please follow the rules when creating a new topic. This means if you encounter an error, post the error here or we wont be able to help you.

There's a stickied topic that will explain how to post a proper error report. If you fail to follow this I will personally remove the topic.