tempban problem wrong format error

Started by Broly, Dec 09, 2017, 05:22 AM

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Well i give proper command but the function said  "Wrong format, day:hour:min (Numeric)"
What's wrong ?

function IRCAddBan( nick, player, expire, reason = "No Reason" )



     //Equation = (DAYS*24*60*60) + (HOUR*60*60) + (MIN*60)

     local ban_Expire = split( expire, ":" ); //days:hours:minutes

if( NumTok( expire, ":" ) == 3 )


if( IsNum( ban_Expire[ 0 ] ) &&  IsNum( ban_Expire[ 1 ] ) && IsNum( ban_Expire[ 2 ] ) )


         if( ban_Expire[ 0 ].tointeger() <= 31 && ban_Expire[ 1 ].tointeger() <= 24 && ban_Expire[ 2 ].tointeger() <= 60 )


        local ban_Expires = ( (ban_Expire[ 0 ].tointeger()*24*60*60) + (ban_Expire[ 1 ].tointeger()*60*60) + (ban_Expire[ 2 ].tointeger()*60) ), 

                    Calc = ban_Expire[ 0 ] + " days " + ban_Expire[ 1 ] + " hours " + ban_Expire[ 2 ] + " minutes.",

                    query = QuerySQL( db, "INSERT INTO Tempban( ban_nick, ban_ip, ban_time, ban_expire, ban_expireratio, ban_admin, ban_reason ) VALUES ( '"+ player.Name.tostring() +"','"+ player.IP.tostring() +"','"+ time().tostring() +"', '"+ ban_Expires.tostring() +"', '" + expire.tostring() + "', '"+ nick.tostring() +"', '"+ reason.tostring() +"')");

Message( "Admin " + nick + " has tempbanned " + player.Name + " Reason: " + reason + " for " + Calc + "" );

StaffMessage( user, ICOL_RED + "You have tempbanned " + player.Name + " successfully!" );

StaffMessage( ICOL_RED + "[" + player.ID + "] " + player.Name + " left the Server. (Kicked)." );

KickPlayer( player );



else StaffMessage( ICOL_RED + "Time should be numeric (day:hour:min)" );


else StaffMessage( ICOL_RED + "Wrong format, day:hour:min (Numeric)" );


catch(e) print( "Tempban function Error: " + e );


and command

else if ( cmd == "tempban" )
   local txt_Split;
          if ( FindLevel( nick, false )== "User" ) StaffMessage(  ICOL_RED + "You have to be admin to use this command." );
else if( text == "" ) {
StaffMessage(   ICOL_RED + "Syntax, !tempban <player/ID> <day:hour:min> <reason>");
                if( NumTok( text, " " ) == 2 )
     txt_Split = split( text, " " );
local plr = GetPlayer( txt_Split[ 0 ] ), expire = txt_Split[ 1 ];
if( plr ) IRCAddBan( nick, plr, expire );
else StaffMessage(   ICOL_RED + "Error: Invalid player." );
else if( NumTok( text, " " ) >= 3 )
     txt_Split = split( text, " " );
                     local plr = GetPlayer( txt_Split[ 0 ] ), expire = txt_Split[ 1 ], reason = txt_Split[ 2 ];
if( plr ) IRCAddBan( nick, plr, expire, reason );
else StaffMessage( ICOL_RED + "Error: Invalid player." );
else StaffMessage(  ICOL_RED + "Syntax, !tempban <player/ID> <day:hour:min> <reason>");
   catch(e) print( "Tempban error: " + e );
i use
else if( text == "" ) 
instead of
[code]if( !text )