not load

Started by Den, Apr 26, 2015, 09:05 AM

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the problem is the plugins cant be loaded failed: code 126  all except squirrel
 xmlconf04rel32 sqlite04rel32 sockets04rel32 HashLoader32 hashing04rel32


  • Platform (Operating System)
  • Architecture (x32 or x64)
  • Console Screenshot
  • ...

Details people, details!

Could be caused by all kinds of stuff. You have a x64 bit os and x64 bit server and trying to load x32 bit plugins. Who knows :-\ You didn't gave any details for us to say.


Seems like a dependency issue. You're probably missing the redistributable files. If I remember correctly @stormeus told me that they're using VS 2010 to compile the server/plugins for windows. Which means that you need the 2010 redistributable files (link, link).



I'm the hoster of the server. I'm not involved much with the scripting side of things. I just installed the dependencies and that fixed the problem except for 1 plugin which still will not load.

Thanks in advanced.


If it is a dependency issue like S.L.C is suggesting then you'll need the Visual Studio 2013 redistributable files for HashLoader32.dll to work. It also may not work on Windows XP as i don't remember if i compiled it with the XP toolset.

- AdTec_224


Yep, that fixed it. We're using server 2008 r1 32 bit.




S.L.C in the next install exe can you please include to automatically give the option in the vcmp installer to include the vcr  redistributable files automatically for 32x 64x and onwards etc? this solved my problem for installing vcmp 0.4 on windows 8.1 by installing the  redistributable you suggested .


@cda555 If I remember correctly @stormeus was planning for something like that. And I'm sure that once they'll distribute the redistributable files with the installer for the server browser, some of these issues won't bother us anymore. Of course, if it's the case for third-party plugins like the one @AdTec_224 provided, you'll still have to download those redistributable files as well. Because he used VS2013 and not VS2010.

Oh, and one more thing. You asked the wrong person. I'm a regular user, not a staff member.