Linux server files?

Started by shaddam17, Sep 24, 2020, 11:15 AM

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Can somebody help me with the latest 32bit linux server? I tried to get my hands on the serverfiles, but all the link are dead :-\


But this is 04. There should be 06 the version number right?


Thank you it is a newer version

I have less error now

I wonder if you have this files in newer version. I got mines from Stormeus' bitbucket



Well its definetely helped, I got different errors now ;D

Loaded plugin: sqlite04rel32

Loaded plugin: squirrel04rel32

Loaded plugin: announce04rel32

Plugin error >> dlopen() 'plugins/' failed: plugins/ undefined symbol: _ZN8CryptoPP6Filter11TransferTo2ERNS_22BufferedTransformationERyRKNSt7__cxx1112basic_stringIcSt11char_traitsIcESaIcEEEb
Failed to load plugin: hashing04rel32

.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
Failed to load plugin: xmlconf04rel32

** Started VC:MP 0.4 Server **
 Port: 8192
 Max players: 100

[MODULE] Loaded SQLite3 for VC:MP by Stormeus.

[MODULE] Loaded SqVCMP 0.4 frontend by Stormeus. (v1.0)
'WARNING] Could not load script 'scripts/main.nut
[WARNING] cannot open the file
[ERROR] No Squirrel gamemode was specified.
^C** Shutting down server **

The files ownerships are correct, the .so files exist and they are in the correct folder
It must be some small stupid thing. The windows version is working

Thanks for the help, if you are somtimes in Hungary i will buy you a beer 8)


The latest hashing plugin had some issues for me, it fixed when I used an older build.

Side tip: replace with in dead links, Thijn has backed up most if not all of the official links.

Credits to Boystang!

VU Full Member | VCDC 6 Coordinator & Scripter | EG A/D Contributor | Developer of VCCNR | Developer of KTB | Ex-Scripter of EAD


Thank you for the help everybody. I couldn't get it working on linux, so after some tinkering I'm running it on windows vps.