VCMP Client Masterlist!

Started by FarisDon, Jun 25, 2015, 07:28 PM

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Well the thing is that when i started my computer and tried to play one of my favourite server,its ip was not working than i thought i should get it from the master list and the master list give me this message , i tried to ask from my friends from irc,where the server was actually working!,i ask them about masterlist and they said,for them its working! so now i want solution that is it problem for me or it is the problem with client?



Quote from: FarisDon on Jun 25, 2015, 07:28 PMWell the thing is that when i started my computer and tried to play one of my favourite server,its ip was not working than i thought i should get it from the master list and the master list give me this message , i tried to ask from my friends from irc,where the server was actually working!,i ask them about masterlist and they said,for them its working! so now i want solution that is it problem for me or it is the problem with client?
{"success":true,"servers":[{"ip":"","port":8192,"is_official":true},{"ip":"","port":8192,"is_official":false},{"ip":"","port":5724,"is_official":false},{"ip":"","port":8192,"is_official":false},{"ip":"","port":8195,"is_official":false},{"ip":"","port":5192,"is_official":false},{"ip":"","port":5196,"is_official":false},{"ip":"","port":5192,"is_official":false},{"ip":"","port":8192,"is_official":false},{"ip":"","port":5192,"is_official":false},{"ip":"","port":80,"is_official":false},{"ip":"","port":8198,"is_official":false},{"ip":"","port":8192,"is_official":false},{"ip":"","port":8190,"is_official":false},{"ip":"","port":2194,"is_official":false},{"ip":"","port":19555,"is_official":false},{"ip":"","port":8192,"is_official":false},{"ip":"","port":8192,"is_official":false},{"ip":"","port":5190,"is_official":false},{"ip":"","port":6000,"is_official":false},{"ip":"","port":5196,"is_official":false},{"ip":"","port":5192,"is_official":false}]}it is showing me this.
Edit:worked :)
there was a update and than it start working! :) Thank you : )


Quote from: FarisDon on Jun 25, 2015, 07:28 PMWell the thing is that when i started my computer and tried to play one of my favourite server,its ip was not working than i thought i should get it from the master list and the master list give me this message , i tried to ask from my friends from irc,where the server was actually working!,i ask them about masterlist and they said,for them its working! so now i want solution that is it problem for me or it is the problem with client?
Sorry Don't count this as spam,i don't know how to join this message with other but this time again it has stop working the same error i don't know whats the problem
Edit:Its just fine now as i had re-started my net but bro i am not sure that is there any problem with internet or not probably i saw news channel in which they were saying that they are doing something with net,but i am not sure whats the problem but i think you know better then me.


Quote from: FarisDon on Jun 26, 2015, 04:07 AMi saw news channel in which they were saying that they are doing something with net
inb4 Pakistan can't connect to the master list.