Some tips

Started by KAKAN, Sep 12, 2015, 07:11 AM

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I have used this 2 editors only:-

TIP, Goto Language in the toolbar, select C, then C++ (or) select S, then select SQL

Sublime Text 3
TIP, On the bottom right cornor, there should be a text named 'plain text', it may differ, click on it, select D from the list

Hope that helps you, if u know more, post here, I'll update this
oh no


Don't use C++ for squirrel. On Sublime Text there's this awesome syntax highlighter called "d"
Just press CTRL + SHIFT + P then type ssd


Thanks, tried it. IT's really awesome, UPDATED
oh no


I like to use the SQL language in Notepad++ to edit.
if( !sucess ) tryAgain();
Thanks to the VCMP community. It was the happiest period of my life.


I just use the standard notepad, the console lets you know about syntax errors.
We are all god's children.


UPDATED!, Thanks @MatheuS for telling me about SQL
oh no