wep function problem

Started by KAKAN, Oct 12, 2015, 02:17 AM

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Here are the functions:-
The problem is I can't use any wep via its ID, I tried validwep function too. Never worked.
Now if I try /wep 32, it tells unknown wep, but if I type /wep m6, it gives me an M6, what's the matter?
oh no


Sorry but WHAT DA FUQ ARE YOU TRYING TO DO? For once, just once. Can't you people explain exactly what you're trying to do and do that in a way that it makes sense? Am I supposed to guess what `vargv` is and what's inside ? Dafuq is wrong with you people :-\

I'm going to wait for the next moron who's going to copy your code, make some dumb modifications that he knows nothing about and then give that to you with no explanation and then wait for your reply "not work!". Aren't we tired of that story already?


Oh, sry!
Here's the wep cmd :P
    else if( cmd == "wep" || cmd == "we")
if (!player.IsSpawned) PrivMessage(player,"You haven't spawned yet.");
else if( !text ) PrivMessage( player, "Syntax error, use /wep <WeaponName>" );
        else GiveWeapons( player, split(text, " ") );

The 'vargv' is the split(text, " ');
Sorry. Can you tell me the problem now :)?
oh no


Quote from: KAKAN on Oct 12, 2015, 02:54 AM...
Sorry. Can you tell me the problem now :)?

Nope, because I still don't know what dafuq this code is supposed to do. All I can do is the same thing any noob in here might do. Which is to give you back some shitty code with no idea what its supposed to do.

function ValidWep(wep) // <- DAFUQ is this supposed to do?
        case 33:
        case 13:
        case 14:
        case 15:
        case 30: return false;
        default: return true;

function GiveWeapons(player, wlist)
    local wstring = "", wid = -1;
    foreach (wname in wlist)
        if (IsNum(wname))
            wid = wname.tointeger();
            wid = GetWeaponID(wname);

        if (id == 33)
            wstring += "Unknown";
            //MessagePlayer(">> Error: Some weapons are disabled", player);
            player.SetWeapon(wid, 9999);
            wstring += GetWeaponName(wid);
    MessagePlayer("[#FAF600]>> Giving you: " + wstring + ".", player);
    Announce("~y~Giving you: " + wstring + ".", player, 1);     

God I hate stupidity at 6 AM in the morning ::)


else if( cmd == "wep" || cmd == "we" )
if( !text ) return MessagePlayer( "[#FF0000]/wep <wep 1> <wep 2> <...>", player );
local params = split( text, " " ); // Take out the space array
local weapons; // Create a new null variable which will be holding the list of weapons player took.
for( local i = 0; i <= params.len() - 1; i++ ) // since the 'len' returns value from 1 and array's starting value point is 0, we will use len() - 1 otherwise we'll receive an error.
if( !IsNum( params[i] ) && GetWeaponID( params[i] ) && GetWeaponID( params[i] ) > 0 && GetWeaponID( params[i] ) <= 32 ) // if Name was specified.
player.SetWeapon( GetWeaponID( params[i] ), 99999 ); // Get the weapon ID from its Name
weapons = weapons + " " + GetWeaponName( GetWeaponID( params[i] ) ); // Add the weapon name to given weapon list
else if( IsNum( params[i] ) && params[i].tointeger() < 33 && params[i].tointeger() > 0 ) // if ID was specified
player.SetWeapon( params[i].tointeger(), 99999 ); // Then just give player that weapon
weapons = weapons + " " + GetWeaponName( params[i].tointeger() ); // Get the weapon name from the ID and add it.
else MessagePlayer( "[#FF0000]Invalid Weapon Name/ID!", player ); // if the invalid ID/Name was given

if( weapons != null ) MessagePlayer( "[#00FF00]Received weapons: [#FFFFFF]" + weapons );
else MessagePlayer( "[#FF0000]No weapons specified", player );

Never hesitate to keep your code longer for the sake of efficiency. Don't use a user-defined function everywhere for simple stuff. I tried to keep the explanation simple and understandable.


Does someone haves a ePrivMessage etc inbuilt?
oh no


Quote from: xxkillerxx on Oct 12, 2015, 07:33 AMtry this hope works

Did he asked you for the Snippet. He alreadw made his own and afaik his problem has been already solved by @S.L.C

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oh no