MYSQL error Help me please

Started by Malina, Jul 19, 2016, 09:35 PM

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Hello guys
I have a problem with mysql.


  • Are the MySQL details correct?
  • Is the server running? (have you checked with other software, such as HeidiSQL for example)
  • Is the MySQl server really bound to localhost?
  • What is the operating system that the MySQL and the server are running on?


Server is running on Debian Jessie with package mysql-server on localhost (vps).


Try "" instead of localhost and see if that does anything. I remember a weird issue a long time ago where I encountered something like that.

Also, if you modified my.conf and bound the MySQL server to your public IP address to access it remotely then use your actual VPS IP.

Also, does your user have the privilege to access that database?



Just for clarification: localhost will by default use a unix socket on linux when used with MySQL. Some configurations don't have this enabled by default.
So in order to force your script to connect using TCP use the IP