Load ITC does not exists along with other errors.

Started by Pr0Ankit, May 22, 2015, 12:48 AM

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if( IP == "" ) return "Connexao Local";

Joining server as local host ? Return will simply stop the function from executing further and return the value if condition is satisfied .

You should call the query in an else statement if you're checking if a database isn't connected .
In the middle of chaos , lies opportunity.


Quote from: Steam on May 23, 2015, 05:28 PMAnkit, because you didn't checked it clearly :P
Have a look here in your IpToCountry function:

if ( IP == "" ) return "Conexao Local";
Change it to
if ( IP == "" ) return "Local host";

LOL I did not notice it.  Anyway after fixing that I want it to say Pr0Ankit joined the server from India. but it says Pr0Ankit Country : India. And when i try to change the text under quotation marks it does not works.

EDIT : I fixed it by using this code :

Message( "[#DF0101]"+player.Name+" joined the server from [#06FA16]"+country+"[#F5FFFA]." );

How do i define a colour for my class and a world for vehicles ? it gives me warnings.


Like this -
<Vehicle model="191" x="338.6310" y="-237.6571" z="29.1708" angle="98.9897" col1="0" col2="0" world="1"/>
And -
Class team="6" skin="49" x="468.2072" y="-1720.5450" z="11.6664" angle="81.3630" weapon1="25" ammo1="999" weapon2="21" ammo2="250" weapon3="32" ammo3=" 500" r="0" g="0" b="255" a="0"/>
I don't know much about r g b a values..But I think the values will be like in here - http://forum.vc-mp.org/?topic=260.0


Quote from: jayant on May 24, 2015, 10:54 AMLike this -
<Vehicle model="191" x="338.6310" y="-237.6571" z="29.1708" angle="98.9897" col1="0" col2="0" world="1"/>
And -
Class team="6" skin="49" x="468.2072" y="-1720.5450" z="11.6664" angle="81.3630" weapon1="25" ammo1="999" weapon2="21" ammo2="250" weapon3="32" ammo3=" 500" r="0" g="0" b="255" a="0"/>
I don't know much about r g b a values..But I think the values will be like in here - http://forum.vc-mp.org/?topic=260.0

What is the world for vehicle and which world should i define for which vehicle ? I should put random numbers or specific world for specific car ?

EDIT : I fixed all my warnings and errors by setting a common world id 1 to all vehicles and different team colours and also ipcountry. Now I am adding some simple commands in my server as I cant go for complex one right now. Thank you everyone for all your kind help and support.

Thanks and Best Regards,