Flip command for car

Started by UncleRus, Aug 17, 2020, 12:32 PM

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Who give me command flip with this command function

function onPlayerCommand( player, command, arguments )

local cmd, text;
cmd = command.tolower();
text = arguments;
local params;
I LoperkinDead.My brothers scripters TimyrSem,VladSem


if ( cmd == "flip" )
if ( !player.Vehicle ) MessagePlayer( "[#ff1111]Error: [#ffffff]You need to be in a Vehicle to use this command." , player )
local veh = player.Vehicle;
veh.Rotation = Quaternion( 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 );
MessagePlayer( "[#00ff00][INFO] [#ffffff]You have flipped your car." , player )
Use search button next time plx.


Question: Why not use the quaternion identity value with W =1 and the rest of the values 0?


I LoperkinDead.My brothers scripters TimyrSem,VladSem