Remote Exec - An alternative to Streams

Started by habi, Jul 18, 2023, 02:48 PM

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RemoteExec v1.1.4
  • Blob instances can be send and received
  • Fixed "Invalid ChunkID" on 64-bit windows server (and possibily corresponding Linux server) when using split-streams.
  • Limited amount of chunks send to not more than 5 per ServerFrame


You can get the updated source here.

VirusTotal scan report of binaries- 1/63 link

Example Usage
//Written from memory of recent testing
local f=file("image.bmp", "rb");
local c=f.readblob(f.len()); // c is a blob
RemoteExec(GetRemoteValue("DrawBitMap")(c), FindPlayer(0)); //calling DrawBitMap( c  ) - a client side function in player with ID 0 's space
For information about DrawBitMap, see this topic.


Hi Habi.
This plugin works well, I've been using it, I'm having some problems right now.
shop <- null;

class Shop {
a = null;
b = null;

The client has a slot A and a Shop class
I want to implement a = Shop(a,b); But it failed.

My code:
local userData = ::SetRemoteValue( ::GetRemoteValue("shop"), ::CallRemoteFunc( ::GetRemoteValue("Shop"), name, cargo ) );
 ::RemoteExec(userData, player);


I am glad to know that plugin is working fine.

Your code change to this and try:
local userData = ::SetRemoteValue( "shop", ::CallRemoteFunc( ::GetRemoteValue("Shop"), name, cargo ) );
 ::RemoteExec(userData, player);


Thank you. The code you provided worked


Remote Exec v1.1.6 Released

We are pleased to announce the release of Remote Exec v1.1.6 for VC:MP servers. This version includes improvements and fixes along with the necessary client-side script files for proper functionality.


v1.1.6 (includes v1.1.5 changes, which was not released) 
  • Fixed client errors when an empty table is passed. 
  • If the player instance parameter is null in RemoteExec: 
    Code (Squirrel) Select
    RemoteExec(SetRemoteValue("a", 1000), null)  It will execute on all connected clients in one go
  • Clients can now send valid Squirrel data types (string, integer, float, blob, etc.) to the server with an identifier. 
    Code (Squirrel) Select
    PassDataToServer(identifier, data) to send data.  The server-side callback
    Code (Squirrel) Select
    onClientData(player, identifier, data) (identifier can be numbered 1,2,3,...) will be executed.
  • New function RemoteOpen to 'dofile' a nut file in client-side. This has limitations..
    Code (Squirrel) Select
    RemoteOpen("path/to/nut", player) transfers a NUT script file as a string and compiles it on the client.  However, this does not affect class functions like GUI::KeyPressed, which still only call the old callback. 
  • Clients can now execute server functions using new client-side function 'Exec'. eg.
    Code (Squirrel) Select
    Exec(GetRemoteValue("print")("Have a nice day"))will print text on server console


  (410.75 KB) (mediafire)

Virus-total scan of 7zip: (1/63)

Source-code: here (153.23 KB, mediafire)

For installation and usage details, refer to the provided documentation. 

Thank you for your interest in remote-exec.


I can't wait to use it. Well done, Habi bro!



Hello, Hibi.
An error occurred with GetRemoteValue("print")("abc") on the client, typeof( GetRemoteValue("print")("abc") ) This returns type null.
When I use Exec(GetRemoteValue("print")("Have a nice day")) the client throws an error PeerExec: superblob expected but got null

    local userData = CallRemoteFunc( GetRemoteValue("print"),"123");
    Exec( userData );  //This is effective


There was a problem with _call metamethod of superblob, that it will fail if the 'this' parameter is not table(eg.roottable). I have fixed the problem, now GetRemoteValue("")() can be used anywhere( table, class or instance) :
Player::PlayerDeath, Player::PlayerShoot, all events of Player ( this = Player, a class )
Like Player, it is available across places where 'this' is class like GUI, KeyBind, Script or Server.

This is updated in the following file:
Download PeerExec.nut

I hope this will solve the problem


After my testing, this problem has been solved
