How to Get Distance when we kill someone

Started by PLAYER, Aug 27, 2024, 02:00 PM

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Hey Guys I want Distance Function like when someone kill other player the message
[#1FFFF9]>> Gabar[#FFF11B] killed [#FF0000] barosanu[#FFF11B] Weapon: [[#6BFF46]M4[#FFF11B]] [#FFF11B]Ping:[#1FFFF9][166] Distance: ( This )


I want only Distance Function if someone have then share with me


DistanceFromPoint(killer.Pos.x, killer.Pos.y, player.Pos.x, player.Pos.y)


also for 3d distance killer.Pos.Distance(player.Pos)
...::: vice city :::...
Useful things for vcmp: Relative position and finding an angle (in 3d), 3d line (like laser)