Walking npc

Started by habi2, Oct 29, 2024, 01:28 PM

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function Walk()
local lastpos=GetMyPos();
local newpos=move2(lastpos,GetMyFacingAngle(), 0.22,0)  //pos,pangle,dis,angle)
local z=FindZFor2DCoord(newpos.x, newpos.y);
else newpos.z=z+ 0.5; //Update z co-ordinate so that npc do not float in air/fall down.

//Check wall, etc.
if(newpos.z-lastpos.z > 0.5)
//cannot move forward
SendChat("I can't go further");
print("the jump is "+(newpos.z-lastpos.z)+" to "+newpos+" from "+lastpos+"\n");
SetLocalValue(V_ONFOOT_SPEED, (newpos-lastpos).Normalised()*0.12688)
function Stop()
//Send stationary-npc packet (stop walking)
SetLocalValue(I_KEYS, 0)
SetLocalValue(V_ONFOOT_SPEED, Vector(0,0,0))
function MainFunc()
timer<-SetTimerEx("Walk", 50, 0);

function OnPlayerText(pid,text)
else if(text=="stop")Stop()
else if(text=="come"){Stop();SetMyPos(GetPlayerPos(pid));}
else if(text=="turn around"||text=="ta")SetMyFacingAngle(GetMyFacingAngle()+PI)
else if(text=="update")dofile("npcscripts/test.nut");

//Functions used to get the values...
function OnPlayerUpdate(pid, utype)
local speed=GetPlayerSpeed(pid).Length();
if(speed > 0)
local now=GetTickCount();
//print(now-t+" "+speed+"\n");

local pos=GetPlayerPos(pid);
//print(now-t+" "+(pos-lastpos).Length()+"\n");
local s=50*(pos-lastpos).Length()/(now-t);
//speed=0.12688, 50 ms, s=0.334, dis 0.22

//Assuming current working directory is that of server32.exe as well as npcclient_0471.exe
//Connect to 8192
npcclient_0471.exe -n habi0 -c -q z-finder
Note that we have loaded the npc additional plugin z-finder located in npcscripts/plugins.

Type come in chat and npc teleport to you. Then use walk and it will run straight. stop to stop it. Type ta or turn around and npc change angle by 180 degree.


Thanks for this tutorial, very useful.
This script allows the NPC to move in a face-facing direction.


I made a script for NPCS walking freely last December, but it didn't work very well, it used random points and random angles, it was like walking around, it didn't work very well at all.


hey habi can you make a one with path finding or ai something like that?


Hi [TDA]Speed, we can definitely think about making a path-finding npc. In fact from an IPL file, the path can be found. Ah yes, when given command to go to a location, it will walk through the road making left turn or right turn. it is possible now.


it is possible but he wants you to code pathfinding for him xD
actually there is alot of AI-stuff can be done (and needed for DM-gamemods). I feel fear when I imagine how much work should be done to make npc to act like real players in terms of DM.
...::: vice city :::...
Useful things for vcmp: Relative position and finding an angle (in 3d), 3d line (like laser)


Quote from: habi2 on Nov 04, 2024, 05:05 PMHi [TDA]Speed, we can definitely think about making a path-finding npc. In fact from an IPL file, the path can be found. Ah yes, when given command to go to a location, it will walk through the road making left turn or right turn. it is possible now.
i just knew that path finding maybe could be lag but i tried to understand the walking script code of yours what if player gets close exmple npc cop and wanted player if the wanted player near to npc he will start follow him like
this is from npc walking script if( GetDistanceFromMeToPoint( pos ) < 2 ) WalkToPoint( pos );
pos = wanted player.Pos
so would this work ?


Quote from: vitovc on Nov 04, 2024, 06:44 PMit is possible but he wants you to code pathfinding for him xD
actually there is alot of AI-stuff can be done (and needed for DM-gamemods). I feel fear when I imagine how much work should be done to make npc to act like real players in terms of DM.
maybe we can make something more easliy then this like know the nearest pos of npc and walk to it


Quote from: [TDA]Speed on Nov 10, 2024, 09:30 AM
Quote from: vitovc on Nov 04, 2024, 06:44 PMit is possible but he wants you to code pathfinding for him xD
actually there is alot of AI-stuff can be done (and needed for DM-gamemods). I feel fear when I imagine how much work should be done to make npc to act like real players in terms of DM.
maybe we can make something more easliy then this like know the nearest pos of npc and walk to it

i did it eventaully u can do it too, get the nearest player id from distanceotpoint and walk it there.. an example here it moves twoards the loaction of player where ever it is going


Quote from: MEGAMIND on Nov 10, 2024, 10:30 AM
Quote from: [TDA]Speed on Nov 10, 2024, 09:30 AM
Quote from: vitovc on Nov 04, 2024, 06:44 PMit is possible but he wants you to code pathfinding for him xD
actually there is alot of AI-stuff can be done (and needed for DM-gamemods). I feel fear when I imagine how much work should be done to make npc to act like real players in terms of DM.
maybe we can make something more easliy then this like know the nearest pos of npc and walk to it

i did it eventaully u can do it too, get the nearest player id from distanceotpoint and walk it there.. an example here it moves twoards the loaction of player where ever it is going
Quote from: MEGAMIND on Nov 10, 2024, 10:30 AM
Quote from: [TDA]Speed on Nov 10, 2024, 09:30 AM
Quote from: vitovc on Nov 04, 2024, 06:44 PMit is possible but he wants you to code pathfinding for him xD
actually there is alot of AI-stuff can be done (and needed for DM-gamemods). I feel fear when I imagine how much work should be done to make npc to act like real players in terms of DM.
maybe we can make something more easliy then this like know the nearest pos of npc and walk to it

i did it eventaully u can do it too, get the nearest player id from distanceotpoint and walk it there.. an example here it moves twoards the loaction of player where ever it is going
lool man thats awsome! nick work


Quote from: [TDA]Speed on Nov 10, 2024, 04:12 PM
Quote from: MEGAMIND on Nov 10, 2024, 10:30 AM
Quote from: [TDA]Speed on Nov 10, 2024, 09:30 AM
Quote from: vitovc on Nov 04, 2024, 06:44 PMit is possible but he wants you to code pathfinding for him xD
actually there is alot of AI-stuff can be done (and needed for DM-gamemods). I feel fear when I imagine how much work should be done to make npc to act like real players in terms of DM.
maybe we can make something more easliy then this like know the nearest pos of npc and walk to it

i did it eventaully u can do it too, get the nearest player id from distanceotpoint and walk it there.. an example here it moves twoards the loaction of player where ever it is going
Quote from: MEGAMIND on Nov 10, 2024, 10:30 AM
Quote from: [TDA]Speed on Nov 10, 2024, 09:30 AM
Quote from: vitovc on Nov 04, 2024, 06:44 PMit is possible but he wants you to code pathfinding for him xD
actually there is alot of AI-stuff can be done (and needed for DM-gamemods). I feel fear when I imagine how much work should be done to make npc to act like real players in terms of DM.
maybe we can make something more easliy then this like know the nearest pos of npc and walk to it

i did it eventaully u can do it too, get the nearest player id from distanceotpoint and walk it there.. an example here it moves twoards the loaction of player where ever it is going
lool man thats awsome! nick work
u cant test that npc.ai at my server more of that want in depth knowledge ? https://forum.vc-mp.org/index.php?topic=3350.msg54387#new


Quote from: MEGAMIND on Nov 10, 2024, 04:16 PM
Quote from: [TDA]Speed on Nov 10, 2024, 04:12 PM
Quote from: MEGAMIND on Nov 10, 2024, 10:30 AM
Quote from: [TDA]Speed on Nov 10, 2024, 09:30 AM
Quote from: vitovc on Nov 04, 2024, 06:44 PMit is possible but he wants you to code pathfinding for him xD
actually there is alot of AI-stuff can be done (and needed for DM-gamemods). I feel fear when I imagine how much work should be done to make npc to act like real players in terms of DM.
maybe we can make something more easliy then this like know the nearest pos of npc and walk to it

i did it eventaully u can do it too, get the nearest player id from distanceotpoint and walk it there.. an example here it moves twoards the loaction of player where ever it is going
Quote from: MEGAMIND on Nov 10, 2024, 10:30 AM
Quote from: [TDA]Speed on Nov 10, 2024, 09:30 AM
Quote from: vitovc on Nov 04, 2024, 06:44 PMit is possible but he wants you to code pathfinding for him xD
actually there is alot of AI-stuff can be done (and needed for DM-gamemods). I feel fear when I imagine how much work should be done to make npc to act like real players in terms of DM.
maybe we can make something more easliy then this like know the nearest pos of npc and walk to it

i did it eventaully u can do it too, get the nearest player id from distanceotpoint and walk it there.. an example here it moves twoards the loaction of player where ever it is going
lool man thats awsome! nick work
u cant test that npc.ai at my server more of that want in depth knowledge ? https://forum.vc-mp.org/index.php?topic=3350.msg54387#new
okey brother thanks for link, you asking or suggesting? xD


Quote from: [TDA]Speed on Nov 12, 2024, 08:27 AMokey brother thanks for link, you asking or suggesting? xD
pls use transltor that i suggested u to that if u want u can test it out.. i dont need to ask anyone


i made this one but the problem npc's location not updated after move if i used /loc it will show the npc's last location the pos he was standing and if i move away he will back again to his last pos so how to sync npc.pos to server


WALK_START <- Vector(-872.146, -431.502, 11.5288);
WALK_END <- Vector( -870.825, -296.79, 11.173);
walking <- false;
reached <- false;
function WalkToPoint(point)
        //Remotely calling functions 'compilestring' of server.
RFC(F("compilestring")("function SetWalkingAnimation(id){ local p=FindPlayer(id); if(p && IsPlayerNPC(id))p.SetAnim(0,0);else WalkTimer"+GetMyID()+".Delete()}"))();

function Walk(pos)
walking = true;
target = pos;
local lastpos= GetMyPos();
local newpos= pos;
local z=FindZFor2DCoord(newpos.x, newpos.y);
else newpos.z=z+ 0.5; //Update z co-ordinate so that npc do not float in air/fall down.

//Check wall, etc.
if(newpos.z-lastpos.z > 0.5)
//cannot move forward
SendChat("I can't go further");
print("the jump is "+(newpos.z-lastpos.z)+" to "+newpos+" from "+lastpos+"\n");
SetLocalValue(F_ANGLE, atan2(-(target.x - GetMyPosX()), target.y - GetMyPosY()));
SetLocalValue(V_ONFOOT_SPEED, (newpos-lastpos).Normalised()*0.12688)
move2(lastpos,GetMyFacingAngle(), 0.22,0)
//if( GetDistanceFromMeToPoint( target ) < 1 )

function Stop()
//Send stationary-npc packet (stop walking)
SetLocalValue(I_KEYS, 0)
SetLocalValue(V_ONFOOT_SPEED, Vector(0,0,0))
walking = false;

function onDestinationReached()
if( GetDistanceFromMeToPoint( WALK_START ) < 2 )
WalkToPoint( WALK_END );
else if( GetDistanceFromMeToPoint( WALK_END ) < 2 )
WalkToPoint( WALK_START );
        //print something on server console.
RFC("print")("npc: i completed one round of patrol");
function step_forward()
local newpos=GetMyPos()+(target-GetMyPos()).Normalised()*0.14;
newpos.z=FindZFor2DCoord(newpos.x, newpos.y)+1.0425;
//SetLocalValue(V_POS, newpos);
SetLocalValue(F_ANGLE, atan2(-(target.x-GetMyPosX()),target.y-GetMyPosY()));
//if((target-GetMyPos()).Length()<0.8)//reached destination
// KillTimer(timerid);
//stop timer of server
//else SendOnFootSyncDataLV();
function OnNPCSpawn()
//SetTimerEx("SetMyPos",700, 1, WALK_START );
// SetMyPos(WALK_START);
//SetTimerEx("Walk", 1000, 1 );
//WalkToPoint( WALK_END );
//Acquire weapon and skin
//SetTimerEx("SetLocalValue", 1000,1, I_CURWEP, 4);
//if( GetDistanceFromMeToPoint( pos ) < 2 ) WalkToPoint( pos );
SetTimerEx("checktowalk", 1000, 0 );

function checktowalk()
local msg;
    local name;
local pos;
local Distance;
local x;
local num_streamed_in = 0;
local num_connected = 0;
while(x!=MAX_PLAYERS) {
    if(IsPlayerConnected(x)) {
        if(IsPlayerStreamedIn(x)) {
if (Distance < 30) if (walking == false && reached == false) Walk(pos);
if (Distance > 35) Stop();
//if (Distance < 1)
//walking = false;
//reached == true;
if (Distance > 2 && reached == true)

walking = false;
reached == false;

if(GetPlayerState(x) == PLAYER_STATE_DRIVER) {
    msg=format("I see %s driving vehicle: %d",name,GetPlayerVehicleID(x));


function OnNPCScriptLoad(params)
SendChat("My map is not loaded. Bye");
function OnNPCScriptUnload()