Basic Property System (with pickup model changing)

Started by Sebastian, Apr 12, 2017, 10:03 PM

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if (((tempposx < radi)(tempposx > -radi))((tempposy < radi)(tempposy > -radi))((tempposz < radi)(tempposz > -radi)))

cmd gives error!

Do you rewrite the code?

My browser is showing wrong! :( :( :(


what i would need to do if i want to make a limit for /buyprop for each player, example the limit would be 2-3


the index "NumTok" does not exist Please help!


function GetTok( string, separator, n, ... )
 local m = ( vargv.len() > 0 ) ? vargv[ 0 ] : n, tokenized = split( string, separator ), text = "";

 if ( ( n > tokenized.len() ) || ( n < 1 ) ) return null;

 for ( ; n <= m; n++ )
  text += text == "" ? tokenized[ n - 1 ] : separator + tokenized[ n - 1 ];

 return text;

function NumTok( string, separator )
 local tokenized = split( string, separator );

 return tokenized.len();

mr drago

my pickups are loading./addprop is working but if i close the server and then open the pickups arre not loading and not saving :'( please help me