New feature which shall change VCMP experience!

Started by ankuras143, Jun 19, 2015, 05:53 PM

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I would like the Admins to add normal pedestrians like VC in the map of their respective servers.

All pedestrians like VC single player.
All pedestrians except Cops and Medics.
No pedestrians at all.


If there will be pedestrians on the streets, the city will look alive and full. It gives a different feeling about VCMP like never before. Without pedestrians, the city looks absolutely blank and dead with such few players playing online. It will be highly appreciated if the Admins or whoever is responsible for adding new features in the game responds to this initiative as soon as possible. This is really going to be something different!

Mail me if you are interested in doing something different or making a contribution.
(-mail removed to avoid spam-)


This question seems to come up time and time again.

Yes, there are plans to implement peds and actors. No, we don't plan on doing it right this instant. We have other priorities for 0.4 at the moment, and once we do turn our attention to peds, we're going to take our time with it to ensure that everything is synced properly and not broken. We don't have a time estimate for how long this will take.


I think this will use more server resources, and more network bandwidth.
But I hope VCMP will support NPCs! :)


Just script them like this
1. Make some objects with a pedestrian models and textures and make different files for 2 legs 2 arms torso and head
2. Script an AI system
3. Integrate the AI system with the pedestrian models
4. Make some inbuilt script animations
5. Boom! You are now the best server in VCMP

Note: Dont forget object.TrackingShots!


Okay. But the sooner it is done, the better. Only a few peds in the streets would suffice. There can also be ATMs on both the islands for quick withdrawal of money(withdraw only), for deposit people have to go to bank. There can also be certain race events areas fixed by default which the players can race.


As developers for the mod, the most we would really do is offer server owners the ability to create and direct peds. We wouldn't add ATMs or AI or simulate single player since that's up to each server (and this is a multiplayer mod with an emphasis on playing with other human players).

Which isn't to say we aren't interested in seeing this come to fruition. We just don't have that level of control over gameplay here.



There is alot more that can be done with NPC's than I think you might be wondering...


@Doom_Killer I wouldn't be surprised. I've seen some pretty creative servers for 0.4 already. That's why I don't want to be the one to dictate what NPCs should be able to do; I'd rather the server owners handle that and we just give them the tools.


Yes I understand. I think I should talk to the server Admins regarding this. Thanks anyways!
But please carry on with improvements for VCMP to make it more interesting and less boring... :)