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Messages - Dob_Doblinson

I just decided to play the multiplayer on a whim, though it didn't matter since I just used a fresh install
just logged into the multi, guess it was the mods, thanks
what could be wrong with the executable? I'll just reinstall the game and see if it works
When I connect to a server, the vcmp splash screen briefly pops up before closing out, and windows says the executable has stopped working.

I've changed the updater url and have the current build installed in my vcmp directory. As well, I've tried setting vcmp as an administrator(which fixed the 740 error) and putting it in windows98/me compatibility mode. gta_vc.set is in the Public folder called GTA Vice City User Files. Those are all of the fixes for vcmp itself that I have tried. Messing with compatibility/admin settings for the base game other than what I have set to run it(admin mode on) has done nothing except put the windows error message popup directly over the vcmp splash screen. Deleting my "scripts" folder has also done nothing.

I think it might be due to the mods that I have installed, which are:
III.VC.SA.LimitAdjuster.asi  -------------  this is to keep the game at a constant 60 fps
loadsc.asi                        \
sharptrails.asi                   |
SilentPatchVC.asi              |-----   these came from a modpack on the steam forums called VC Reborn
skygfx.asi                          |                                                                                       
VCLodLights.asi               /                                                                                         

My specs are:
Intel Core i5-6500 3.2 GHz
8gb ram
Radeon r9 390(AMD)
Windows 10 home

If you've gotten this far I appreciate the time investment.